Singles League Racing 2004-2005

2001-2002 Season Race Results

Back to 2001-2002 results

race-5-SL-Alpine Tue Mar  5 18:19:44 2002

S1VM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  72.06
Starters : 2        Low  hcp   =   0.00        Strike Time =  72.06
Courses  : 2        High hcp   =  25.99        Cutoff Time = 100.89

bib Name                   Club     T1      T2    Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====     ==      ==    ====     === === === ===  ==
  1 Beck, Ron               SN   48.89   49.65   98.54   36.74   0   0  10
  2 Ellis, Bob              BB     DNF   42.59      DQ     ---   -   0   -

S1OM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  72.06
Starters : 4        Low  hcp   =   0.00        Strike Time =  72.06
Courses  : 2        High hcp   =  25.99        Cutoff Time = 100.89

bib Name                   Club     T1      T2    Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====     ==      ==    ====     === === === ===  ==
  3 Fulkerson, Paul         RB   44.06   42.71   86.77   20.41   0   0  10
  6 Faitel, Craig           IN   47.40   48.53   95.93   33.12   0   0   9
  5 Green, Morten           IN     DNF   45.04      DQ     ---   -   0   -
750 Parks, Bryce            --     DNF   47.89      DQ     ---   -   0   -

S2VW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  72.06
Starters : 1        Low  hcp   =  26.00        Strike Time =  90.79
Courses  : 2        High hcp   =  32.99        Cutoff Time = 108.09

bib Name                   Club     T1      T2    Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====     ==      ==    ====     === === === ===  ==
 10 Rowe, Sara              BB   49.05   47.77   96.82   34.36   0   0  10

S2VM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  72.06
Starters : 4        Low  hcp   =  26.00        Strike Time =  90.79
Courses  : 2        High hcp   =  32.99        Cutoff Time = 108.09

bib Name                   Club     T1      T2    Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====     ==      ==    ====     === === === ===  ==
 12 Howlett, Greig          SN   49.63   48.46   98.09   36.12   0   0  10
 13 Eason, Tom              SF      DQ   46.94      DQ     ---   -   0   -
  7 Lewis, Scott            RB     DNF   47.85      DQ     ---   -   0   -
903 Lawler, Phil            --   50.49      DQ      DQ     ---   -   0   -

S2OM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  72.06
Starters : 3        Low  hcp   =  26.00        Strike Time =  90.79
Courses  : 2        High hcp   =  32.99        Cutoff Time = 108.09

bib Name                   Club     T1      T2    Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====     ==      ==    ====     === === === ===  ==
 14 Lucas, Luis             SN   48.26   46.59   94.85   31.62   0   1  10
 30 Goebel, Chas            RB     DNF   51.57      DQ     ---   -   1   -
 15 Hurt, Shawn             SN     DNF     DNF      DQ     ---   -   1   -

S3VM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  72.06
Starters : 6        Low  hcp   =  33.00        Strike Time =  95.83
Courses  : 2        High hcp   =  39.99        Cutoff Time = 115.30

bib Name                   Club     T1      T2    Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====     ==      ==    ====     === === === ===  ==
 19 Douglas, John           RB   50.96   50.54  101.50   40.85   0   0  10
 16 Poff, Ken               RB   52.80   50.41  103.21   43.22   0   0   9
 42 Minietta, Mike          RB   52.54   51.12  103.66   43.85   0   1   8
 20 Brewington, Bruce       SF   52.66   52.48  105.14   45.90   0   0   7
 18 Gay, Donald             BB     DNF   51.78      DQ     ---   -   1   -
 28 Honeycutt, Sherman      BB      DQ     DNF      DQ     ---   -   0   -

S3OM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  72.06
Starters : 1        Low  hcp   =  33.00        Strike Time =  95.83
Courses  : 2        High hcp   =  39.99        Cutoff Time = 115.30

bib Name                   Club     T1      T2    Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====     ==      ==    ====     === === === ===  ==
 23 Puleston, Ian           SN   53.00   52.71  105.71   46.69   0   0  10

S4VW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  36.33
Starters : 2        Low  hcp   =  40.00        Strike Time =  50.86
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  49.99        Cutoff Time =  61.77

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
902 Pitta, Nancy            --   55.95   54.00   0   0   -
 59 Couch, Betsy            IN   58.50   61.02   0   0  10

S4VM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  36.33
Starters : 4        Low  hcp   =  40.00        Strike Time =  50.86
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  49.99        Cutoff Time =  61.77

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
 47 Fisher, Curtis          BB   57.59   58.51   0   0  10
 27 Red, Bill               RB   58.18   60.14   0   0   9
 25 Bell, Miles             BB   59.57   63.96   0   0   8
 26 Button, Dave            IN      DQ     ---   -   0   -

S4OM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  36.33
Starters : 6        Low  hcp   =  40.00        Strike Time =  50.86
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  49.99        Cutoff Time =  61.77

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
 35 Hada, Craig             SN   54.42   49.79   0   0  10
 34 Harper, JD              SN   55.14   51.77   0   0   9
 38 Freeze, David           RB   58.50   61.02   0   0   8
 33 Tiscareno, Alan         RB      DQ     ---   -   1   -
 36 Fautier, Thierry        SN      DQ     ---   -   1   -
 31 Edeal, Jay              RB     DNF     ---   -   1   -

S5VW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  36.33
Starters : 1        Low  hcp   =  50.00        Strike Time =  54.49
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  59.99        Cutoff Time =  65.40

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
 96 Brewington, Kathy       SN   64.20   76.71   0   0  10

S5VM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  36.33
Starters : 5        Low  hcp   =  50.00        Strike Time =  54.49
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  59.99        Cutoff Time =  65.40

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
 50 Brannan, Gary           BB   57.40   57.99   0   1  10
 48 Peterson, Tim           RB   62.00   70.65   0   0   9
117 Nolop, Keith            IN   65.10   79.19   0   0   8
 49 Neward, Michael         RB   67.10   84.69   0   0   0
 67 Tangney, Steven         RB      DQ     ---   -   0   -

S5OW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  36.33
Starters : 1        Low  hcp   =  50.00        Strike Time =  54.49
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  59.99        Cutoff Time =  65.40

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
 51 House, Melissa          SN     DNF     ---   -   0   -

S5OM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  36.33
Starters : 8        Low  hcp   =  50.00        Strike Time =  54.49
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  59.99        Cutoff Time =  65.40

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
907 Bertram, Joe            --   63.50   74.78   0   0   -
 55 Kovnot, Matthew         SF      DQ     ---   -   0   -
 56 Handler, Michael        SF      DQ     ---   -   0   -
 66 Dickinson, Jason        SF      DQ     ---   -   0   -
 54 Sahlin, Eric            SF     DNF     ---   -   0   -
 57 Roncancio, Chuck        PH     DNF     ---   -   1   -
 68 Rhodes, Dan             RB     DNF     ---   -   1   -
905 Florea, Dan             --     DNF     ---   -   0   -   Y

S6VW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  35.73
Starters : 3        Low  hcp   =  60.00        Strike Time =  57.16
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  69.99        Cutoff Time =  67.89

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
 60 Dougan, Barbara         BB   62.20   74.08   0   0  10
 92 Thude, Nancy            BB   63.70   78.28   0   1   9
 97 Davis, Linda            RB     DNF     ---   -   0   -

S6VM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  35.73
Starters : 6        Low  hcp   =  60.00        Strike Time =  57.16
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  69.99        Cutoff Time =  67.89

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
124 Haass, John             RB   56.88   59.19   1   1  10
198 Walker, Dan             BB   60.40   69.04   0   0   9   Y
 81 Sorensen, Dennis        SN   62.70   75.48   0   0   8
 78 Miller, Wayne           RB   63.90   78.84   0   1   7
 77 Rogers, Mike            RB   70.90   98.43   0   0   0
 64 Olson, Chuck            BB   82.10  129.77   0   0   0

S6OW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  35.73
Starters : 4        Low  hcp   =  60.00        Strike Time =  57.16
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  69.99        Cutoff Time =  67.89

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
 95 Wander, Barbara         RB   58.95   64.98   0   0  10
 62 Coake, Darlene          SN   61.40   71.84   0   0   9
906 Shackleton, Fiona       --   65.10   82.19   0   0   -
110 Cronin, Susan           BB      DQ     ---   -   0   -

S6OM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  35.73
Starters : 3        Low  hcp   =  60.00        Strike Time =  57.16
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  69.99        Cutoff Time =  67.89

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
212 Ritrovato, Nick         SF   56.87   59.16   1   0  10
163 LoCoco, Joe             IN   57.36   60.53   0   0   9
196 Behrs, Lawrence         SN     DNF     ---   -   1   -

S7VW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  35.73
Starters : 4        Low  hcp   =  70.00        Strike Time =  60.74
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  79.99        Cutoff Time =  73.25

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
 71 Rawley, Ann             IN   65.10   82.19   0   1  10
122 Sheehan, Pat            IN   68.00   90.31   0   0   9
 72 Ferras, Gisele          IN   69.30   93.95   0   0   8
 94 Summers, Debra          IN     DNF     ---   -   0   -

S7VM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  35.73
Starters : 7        Low  hcp   =  70.00        Strike Time =  60.74
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  79.99        Cutoff Time =  73.25

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
104 Kreiss, Don             RB   58.47   63.64   1   1  10
101 White, Neal             SN   65.10   82.19   0   0   9
 80 McCabe, Jeff            BB   65.20   82.47   0   0   8
 76 Gartner, Reinhold       BB   65.70   83.87   0   1   7
 89 Torres, Leo             RB   69.70   95.07   0   0   6
 82 Hirst, Kevin            RB     DNF     ---   -   1   -
904 Craig, Bill             --     DNF     ---   -   0   -

S7OW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  35.73
Starters : 3        Low  hcp   =  70.00        Strike Time =  60.74
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  79.99        Cutoff Time =  73.25

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
 84 Netson, Mary Beth       SF   66.40   85.83   0   0  10
 70 Walls, Susan            RB      DQ     ---   -   0   -
 85 Nielsen, Mary Ann       IN     DNF     ---   -   0   -

S7OM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  35.73
Starters : 3        Low  hcp   =  70.00        Strike Time =  60.74
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  79.99        Cutoff Time =  73.25

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
 86 Coelho, Jeff            SN   60.20   68.48   1   0  10
 88 Burgess, Brian          IN   66.10   84.99   0   0   9
146 Wells, Stephen          SN      DQ     ---   -   1   -

S8VW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  35.73
Starters : 6        Low  hcp   =  80.00        Strike Time =  64.31
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  89.99        Cutoff Time =  78.61

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
235 Abrams, Lauren          BB   63.70   78.28   1   0  10
185 Pellegrini, Terri       SF   63.80   78.56   1   0   9
128 Kleiman, Sue            RB   66.40   85.83   0   0   8
 91 Ryan, Dory              SF   69.00   93.11   0   1   7
 93 Silver, Kathy           BB   70.60   97.59   0   0   6
 90 Falkenstine, Mary Beth  RB   82.40  130.61   0   0   0

S8VM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  35.73
Starters : 6        Low  hcp   =  80.00        Strike Time =  64.31
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  89.99        Cutoff Time =  78.61

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
139 Moller, William         IN   69.60   94.79   0   0  10
107 Burke, Bob              IN   69.90   95.63   0   1   9
108 Beldon, Dennis          PH   70.30   96.75   0   1   8
106 Cannataro, Bob          SN   70.30   96.75   0   1   8
100 Schuman, John           BB   71.70  100.67   0   0   6
135 Wells, Don              RB   72.10  101.79   0   0   5

S8OW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  35.73
Starters : 3        Low  hcp   =  80.00        Strike Time =  64.31
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  89.99        Cutoff Time =  78.61

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
112 Johnson, Robbie         RB   63.70   78.28   1   1  10
182 Dominik, Liz            SF   64.80   81.36   0   0   9
113 Athannasiou, Mary       IN   65.80   84.15   0   0   8

S8OM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  35.73
Starters : 9        Low  hcp   =  80.00        Strike Time =  64.31
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =  89.99        Cutoff Time =  78.61

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
149 Rhodes, Steven          RB   60.20   68.48   2   1  10
148 Dworkin, Pete           RB   63.90   78.84   1   1   9
114 Faig, Steven            SF   64.90   81.64   0   0   8
115 Bottorff, Paul          IN   65.50   83.31   0   0   7
191 Brumm, Allen            IN   70.90   98.43   0   0   6
145 Garnham, Jim            RB   72.40  102.63   0   0   5
120 Lutz, Larry             IN      DQ     ---   -   1   -
194 Moore, Jim              SN     DNF     ---   -   0   -
204 Hirst, Joshua           RB     DNF     ---   -   1   -

S9VW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  28.48
Starters : 5        Low  hcp   =  90.00        Strike Time =  54.11
Courses  : 1        High hcp   = 104.99        Cutoff Time =  65.51

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
186 Pellegrini, Toni        SF   53.99   89.57   1   0  10
127 Swan, Sharon            BB   54.44   91.15   0   1   9
125 Matthews, Wendy         SN   54.71   92.09   0   1   8
162 Martinez, Sonia         IN   56.10   96.98   0   0   7
131 Iskander, Nancy         BB   56.70   99.08   0   0   6

S9VM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  28.48
Starters : 5        Low  hcp   =  90.00        Strike Time =  54.11
Courses  : 1        High hcp   = 104.99        Cutoff Time =  65.51

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
136 Hoffmann, Robert        IN   54.15   90.13   0   1  10
172 Vallerga, Ed            RB   54.62   91.78   0   0   9
132 Duker, Dick             RB   54.98   93.04   0   1   8
130 Becker, Dave            BB   56.34   97.82   0   0   7
144 Lybrand, Edward         BB   62.80  120.50   0   0   6

S9OW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  28.48
Starters : 6        Low  hcp   =  90.00        Strike Time =  54.11
Courses  : 1        High hcp   = 104.99        Cutoff Time =  65.51

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
140 Halpin, Karen           RB   52.61   84.72   1   1  10
175 Moorea, Sonya Kaytana   RB   54.06   89.81   1   0   9
141 Guaraglia, Denise       IN   55.71   95.61   0   0   8
126 Baker, Patty            SF   56.75   99.26   0   1   7
901 Deville, Mimi           --   59.06  107.37   0   0   -
142 Schulz, Alison          IN     DNF     ---   -   1   -

S9OM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  28.48
Starters : 3        Low  hcp   =  90.00        Strike Time =  54.11
Courses  : 1        High hcp   = 104.99        Cutoff Time =  65.51

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
203 Tom, Michael            RB   55.50   94.87   0   1  10
147 Kezer, Larry            SN   58.73  106.21   0   0   9
206 Oakes, Chris            SF      DQ     ---   -   1   -

S10VW               Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  28.48
Starters : 11       Low  hcp   = 105.00        Strike Time =  58.38
Courses  : 1        High hcp   = 119.99        Cutoff Time =  71.20

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
157 Turvey, Mary            SF   58.37  104.95   1   0  10
151 Cassidy, Connie         SF   58.80  106.46   0   0   9
189 Johnson, Rosemary       PH   59.64  109.41   0   1   8
179 Johnson, Jenay          RB   63.70  123.66   0   0   7
152 Shaw, Dinah             SF   65.80  131.03   0   0   6
225 Samberg, Laurel         BB   66.40  133.14   0   0   5
150 Aquino, Beverly         BB   93.90  229.70   0   0   0
153 Corbaley, Carey         RB     DNF     ---   -   0   -
154 Miles, Judy             SN     DNF     ---   -   0   -
155 Nickerson, Glenna       BB     DNF     ---   -   0   -
160 Terezas, Lynn           BB     DNF     ---   -   0   -

S10VM               Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  28.48
Starters : 8        Low  hcp   = 105.00        Strike Time =  58.38
Courses  : 1        High hcp   = 119.99        Cutoff Time =  71.20

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
230 Bortz, Arthur           BB   59.12  107.58   0   0  10
231 Berger, Don             SF   69.30  143.32   0   0   9
208 Maguire, Mitch          BB   71.70  151.75   0   0   0
205 Leland, Geoff           SF   72.90  155.96   0   0   0
137 Larson, Paul            IN     DNF     ---   -   0   -
165 Laurent, Lionel         BB     DNF     ---   -   0   -
169 Neswitz, Irwin          SN     DNF     ---   -   0   -
174 Ahmann, Richard         BB     DNF     ---   -   0   -

S10OW               Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  28.48
Starters : 2        Low  hcp   = 105.00        Strike Time =  58.38
Courses  : 1        High hcp   = 119.99        Cutoff Time =  71.20

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
184 Rice, Melanie           SF   60.40  112.07   0   0  10
209 Ciric, Jovanka          SN     DNF     ---   -   0   -

S10OM               Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  28.48
Starters : 3        Low  hcp   = 105.00        Strike Time =  58.38
Courses  : 1        High hcp   = 119.99        Cutoff Time =  71.20

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
213 Subbarayan, Saravanan   SN   62.30  118.75   0   0  10
200 Heffley, Dennis         RB   66.50  133.49   0   0   9
201 Menon, Papi             SN     DNF     ---   -   0   -

SNVW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  23.63
Starters : 1        Low  hcp   =   0.00        Strike Time =  48.44
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =    Inf        Cutoff Time =    Inf

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
250 Lawson, Cheryl          RB      DQ     ---   -   0   -

SNOW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  23.63
Starters : 1        Low  hcp   =   0.00        Strike Time =  48.44
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =    Inf        Cutoff Time =    Inf

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
252 Coake, Darlene          SN  125.90  432.79   0   0  10

SNOM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =  23.63
Starters : 5        Low  hcp   =   0.00        Strike Time =  48.44
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =    Inf        Cutoff Time =    Inf

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
269 Salzman, Randy          SF   48.43  104.95   1   2  10
275 Shannon, Bobby          RB   57.67  144.05   0   0   9
274 Gilmore, Mike           PH   60.30  155.18   0   1   8
264 Tiscareno, Alan         RB   67.40  185.23   0   0   7
265 Becerra, Alonzo         RB   77.60  228.39   0   1   6

BEGW                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =   7.75
Starters : 6        Low  hcp   =   0.00        Strike Time =  17.04
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =    Inf        Cutoff Time =    Inf

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
226 Chehab, Sandra          BB   17.05  120.00   0   1  10
229 Meng, Lin               RB   17.89  130.83   0   1   9
178 Mantzoros, Genie        SF   21.89  182.45   0   0   8
220 Billings, Catherin      BB   22.19  186.32   0   1   7
238 Vaysberg, Irina         BB   26.47  241.54   0   0   6   Y
234 Taylor, Merrily         RB   26.59  243.09   0   0   5

BEGM                Ajustement =   1.00        ZeroParTime =   7.75
Starters : 1        Low  hcp   =   0.00        Strike Time =  17.04
Courses  : 1        High hcp   =    Inf        Cutoff Time =    Inf

bib Name                   Club   Time     Hcp Stk Old Pts  Rk
=== ====                   ====   ====     === === === ===  ==
173 Snyder, Martin          BB   25.89  234.06   0   1  10

Adjustment  : Used to calibrate the ZPT. A 1.0 value means no calibration
ZeroParTime : The theoretical fastest possible time for the race
Strike Time : Any time <= results in a strike
Cutoff Time : Any time >= results in no points assigned
Starters    : Amount of competing racers in the sub-class for the race
Courses     : Amount of courses composing the race
Low hcp     : Lower bound Handicap for the class
High hcp    : Upper bound Handicap value for the class

T<#> : Course times. Present if it applies
Time : Race time combining several courses if it applies
Stk  : Strike  obtained during the race
Old  : Strikes obtained during previous races
Pts  : Points assigned during the race
Rk   : Set to Y if the racer was a rookie for the race

Total of     racers is    162
Total of   strikers is  12.28% (14 out of 114 that finished)
Total of     bumped is   6.14% ( 7 out of 114 that finished)
Total of DQ/DNS/DNF is  29.62% (48 out of 162)

Course beg.txt has   0.00% of strikers ( 0 out of   8 that finished)
Course snb.txt has  10.00% of strikers ( 1 out of  10 that finished)
Course int.txt has  11.11% of strikers ( 4 out of  36 that finished)
Course exp.txt has   0.00% of strikers ( 0 out of  26 that finished)
Course adv.txt has  14.51% of strikers ( 9 out of  62 that finished)

Fastest racer of the League is Paul Fulkerson with a  20.41 hcp

Fastest for San Francisco   is Bruce Brewington     with a  45.90 hcp
Fastest for Powder Hound    is Dennis Beldon        with a  96.75 hcp
Fastest for Inskiers        is Craig Faitel         with a  33.12 hcp
Fastest for Bota Baggers    is Sara Rowe            with a  34.36 hcp
Fastest for Rusty Bindings  is Paul Fulkerson       with a  20.41 hcp
Fastest for Snow Drifters   is Luis Lucas           with a  31.62 hcp

Fastest in course beg.txt is Sandra Chehab        with a 120.00 hcp
Fastest in course snb.txt is Randy Salzman        with a 104.95 hcp
Fastest in course int.txt is Karen Halpin         with a  84.72 hcp
Fastest in course exp.txt is Paul Fulkerson       with a  21.27 hcp
Fastest in course adv.txt is Paul Fulkerson       with a  19.53 hcp

Pacesetter times for course beg.txt
Bib         First         Last   Time    Hcp
---         -----         ----   ----    ---
 38         David       Freeze  15.99 106.32%
 14          Luis        Lucas  15.39  98.58%

Pacesetter times for course snb.txt
Bib         First         Last   Time    Hcp
---         -----         ----   ----    ---
 14          Luis        Lucas  37.00  56.58%
  7         Scott        Lewis  39.71  68.04%
  3          Paul    Fulkerson  35.77  51.37%
  2           Bob        Ellis  34.39  45.53%

Pacesetter times for course int.txt
Bib         First         Last   Time    Hcp
---         -----         ----   ----    ---
 38         David       Freeze  45.69  60.42%
 14          Luis        Lucas  37.00  29.91%
  7         Scott        Lewis  39.71  39.43%
  3          Paul    Fulkerson  35.77  25.59%
  2           Bob        Ellis  34.39  20.75%

Total points per Clubs for the race

             251   Rusty Bindings 
             179   Bota Baggers 
             150   Snow Drifters 
             139   San Francisco 
             137   Inskiers 
              24   Powder Hound 

Total Points Per Racer for the race

            6.04   San Francisco   with     23 racers
            6.00   Powder Hound    with      4 racers
            5.95   Inskiers        with     23 racers
            5.76   Snow Drifters   with     26 racers
            5.57   Rusty Bindings  with     45 racers
            5.42   Bota Baggers    with     33 racers

Total points per Clubs for the season

            1504   Rusty Bindings 
            1074   Bota Baggers 
             920   Snow Drifters 
             871   San Francisco 
             721   Inskiers 
             150   Powder Hound 

Total Points Per Racer for the season

            7.50   Powder Hound    with         20 racers
            7.02   Rusty Bindings  with        214 racers
            7.02   Snow Drifters   with        131 racers
            6.93   Inskiers        with        104 racers
            6.54   San Francisco   with        133 racers
            6.35   Bota Baggers    with        169 racers

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