Singles League Racing 2004-2005
2004 Season Race Results
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Results for Norcals 2004 SL Wed Apr 7 11:20:44 2004
S1VM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 17 Low hcp = 0.00 Strike Time = 51.57
Courses : 1 High hcp = 25.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 9 Garner, Dave SIERRA 55.69 7.98 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 1 Ettinger, Gary OPEN 57.85 12.17 0 0 20.00 SILVER
3 5 Ellis, Bob SINGLES 58.47 13.37 0 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 2 Howlett, Greig SINGLES 60.16 16.65 0 0 15.00
5 7 Imperatice, Mark OPEN 60.33 16.98 0 0 14.00
6 6 Laudenschlager, Paul SIERRA 60.35 17.02 0 0 13.00
7 10 Beck, Ron SINGLES 62.03 20.28 0 0 12.00
8 17 Quigley, Norm SIERRA 65.05 26.13 0 0 10.00
9 14 Hopper, Dan SIERRA 65.20 26.43 0 0 9.00
10 13 Williams, Michael SIERRA 65.80 27.59 0 0 8.00
11 16 Young, Cliff SIERRA 67.80 31.47 0 0 7.00
12 8 Fulkerson, Paul SINGLES DQ --- - 0 -
13 12 Shellhammer, Jeff SIERRA DQ --- - 0 -
14 3 Wallace, Blair SIERRA DNF --- - 0 -
15 4 Pruett, Brad OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
16 11 Simmons, Dan SIERRA DNF --- - 0 -
17 15 Murray, Mark SIERRA DNS --- - 0 -
S1OM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 25 Low hcp = 0.00 Strike Time = 51.57
Courses : 1 High hcp = 25.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 30 Dunstone, Dwayne SIERRA 55.37 7.36 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 24 Richter, George SIERRA 57.52 11.53 0 0 20.00 SILVER
3 39 Jones, Randy OPEN 57.63 11.75 0 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 32 Buttenberg, Kris SIERRA 58.68 13.78 0 0 15.00
5 20 Faitel, Craig SINGLES 59.52 15.41 0 0 14.00
6 25 Parlette, Chris OPEN 59.71 15.78 0 0 13.00
7 27 Vialpando, Mike SIERRA 60.12 16.57 0 0 12.00
8 23 Parks, Bryce SINGLES 60.51 17.33 0 0 11.00
9 36 Lilly, Mark SIERRA 61.01 18.30 0 0 10.00
10 28 Vos, Jorgen OPEN 61.02 18.32 0 0 9.00
11 31 Reavis, Prescott OPEN 61.27 18.80 0 0 8.00
12 35 Thomsen, Jeffery OPEN 61.87 19.97 0 0 7.00
13 34 Clarkson, Cameron SIERRA 62.68 21.54 0 0 6.00
14 44 Lion, Dan OPEN 62.92 22.00 0 0 5.00
15 38 Sullivan, Jeff OPEN 63.56 23.24 0 0 4.00
16 37 Spiegel, Mickey OPEN 63.90 23.90 0 0 3.00
17 42 Atkinson, Jim OPEN 65.53 27.07 0 0 1.00
18 40 Lohse, Jon OPEN 65.68 27.36 0 0 0.00
19 29 Lucas, Luis SINGLES 67.53 30.94 0 0 0.00
20 22 Brookes, Kyle OPEN 68.18 32.20 0 0 0.00
21 43 Lohse, Chris OPEN DQ --- - 0 -
22 26 Levine, Steve SINGLES DNF --- - 0 -
23 33 Sanchez, Joe OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
24 21 Probert, Chris SIERRA DNS --- - 0 -
25 41 Northcutt, Craig OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S2VW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 3 Low hcp = 26.00 Strike Time = 64.97
Courses : 1 High hcp = 32.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 51 Rowe, Sara OPEN 66.44 28.83 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 52 Bryant, Barbara SIERRA 74.52 44.50 0 0 15.00 SILVER
3 50 Tesar, Ruth SIERRA DNF --- - 0 -
S2VM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 11 Low hcp = 26.00 Strike Time = 64.97
Courses : 1 High hcp = 32.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 59 Fisher, Mark SIERRA 65.92 27.82 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 57 Little, Don SIERRA 67.52 30.92 0 0 20.00 SILVER
3 58 Tsukimura, Don OPEN 69.47 34.71 0 0 15.00 BRONZE
4 55 Peterson, Curt OPEN 72.16 39.92 0 0 14.00
5 56 Gay, Don SINGLES 72.40 40.39 0 0 12.00
6 62 Goldman, Lee OPEN 72.45 40.48 0 0 11.00
7 61 Waller, Phil SIERRA 73.83 43.16 0 0 10.00
8 63 Loader, Joe SIERRA 75.58 46.55 0 0 9.00
9 65 Olson, Dick SIERRA DQ --- - 0 -
10 60 Schneider, Bob OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
11 64 Gloster, Dean OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S2OW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 1 Low hcp = 26.00 Strike Time = 64.97
Courses : 1 High hcp = 32.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 70 Tucknott, Renee OPEN 71.00 37.67 0 0 20.00 GOLD
S2OM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 3 Low hcp = 26.00 Strike Time = 64.97
Courses : 1 High hcp = 32.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 76 Puleston, Ian SINGLES DQ --- - 0 -
2 75 Estrada, Dennis OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
3 77 Hurt, Shawn SINGLES DNS --- - 0 -
S3VM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 52.28
Starters : 14 Low hcp = 33.00 Strike Time = 69.53
Courses : 1 High hcp = 39.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 82 Peairs, Greg SIERRA 67.95 29.97 1 0 25.00 GOLD
2 83 Thomsen, Ronald OPEN 68.73 31.46 1 0 20.00 SILVER
3 87 Walker, Dan SINGLES 69.52 32.97 1 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 90 Douglas, John SINGLES 70.74 35.30 0 0 15.00
5 92 Brewington, Bruce SINGLES 71.72 37.18 0 0 14.00
6 84 Honeycutt, Sherman SINGLES 72.87 39.38 0 0 13.00
7 91 Jennings, Brad OPEN 73.37 40.34 0 0 11.00
8 85 Manter, John SIERRA 75.22 43.87 0 0 10.00
9 81 Poff, Ken SINGLES 75.56 44.52 0 0 9.00
10 88 App, Frank SIERRA 75.82 45.02 0 0 8.00
11 86 Hearne, John OPEN 78.20 49.57 0 0 7.00
12 89 Sanchez, Jim OPEN 79.02 51.14 0 0 5.00
13 80 Mann, Gordon OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
14 93 Minietta, Michael SINGLES DNS --- - 0 -
S3OW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 52.28
Starters : 1 Low hcp = 33.00 Strike Time = 69.53
Courses : 1 High hcp = 39.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 95 Curtis, Keisha SIERRA 72.38 38.44 0 0 25.00 GOLD
S3OM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 52.28
Starters : 11 Low hcp = 33.00 Strike Time = 69.53
Courses : 1 High hcp = 39.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 106 Florea, Dan OPEN 67.13 28.40 1 0 25.00 GOLD
2 101 Hada, Craig SINGLES 67.80 29.68 1 0 20.00 SILVER
3 110 deBord, Stephane OPEN 69.78 33.47 0 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 103 Tiscareno, Alan SINGLES 69.87 33.64 0 0 15.00
5 107 Damask, Jim SINGLES 70.11 34.10 0 0 14.00
6 105 Alpert, Rich SINGLES 71.56 36.87 0 0 13.00
7 104 Kabil, Amil OPEN 72.75 39.15 0 0 12.00
8 109 Harper, JD SINGLES 73.46 40.51 0 0 10.00
9 108 Bowker, Scott OPEN 73.74 41.04 0 0 9.00
10 100 Brown, Ernest OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
11 102 Monroe, Bryan OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
S4JW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 52.28
Starters : 1 Low hcp = 40.00 Strike Time = 73.19
Courses : 1 High hcp = 49.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 170 Masurat, Cristina OPEN 76.15 45.65 0 0 25.00 GOLD
S4JM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 52.28
Starters : 3 Low hcp = 40.00 Strike Time = 73.19
Courses : 1 High hcp = 49.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 175 Alire, Greg SIERRA 75.62 44.64 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 176 Adkins, Dierre OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
3 177 Kyle, Simerly OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S4VW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 52.28
Starters : 3 Low hcp = 40.00 Strike Time = 73.19
Courses : 1 High hcp = 49.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 121 Pitta, Nancy SIERRA 78.84 50.80 0 0 20.00 GOLD
2 120 Huygen, Monique OPEN 79.33 51.74 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 122 Woelfle, Andrea SIERRA 84.71 62.03 0 0 14.00 BRONZE
S4VM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 52.28
Starters : 20 Low hcp = 40.00 Strike Time = 73.19
Courses : 1 High hcp = 49.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 133 Plautz, Virgil OPEN 76.20 45.75 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 129 Jeffrey, Dan SIERRA 77.93 49.06 0 0 20.00 SILVER
3 126 Fisher, Kraig SIERRA 78.12 49.42 0 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 136 Parlette, Austin OPEN 78.32 49.80 0 0 15.00
5 132 Bryant, Donn SIERRA 80.44 53.86 0 0 13.00
6 143 Ramoni, Bill SIERRA 80.76 54.47 0 0 12.00
7 135 Weber, Bill SIERRA 81.31 55.52 0 0 11.00
8 128 Button, Dave SINGLES 82.44 57.68 0 0 10.00
9 139 Oatney, Keith OPEN 82.65 58.09 0 0 9.00
10 138 Kennedy, Jack SIERRA 83.89 60.46 0 0 7.00
11 142 Dudasko, Michael OPEN 85.18 62.93 0 0 6.00
12 140 Walker, Bruce SINGLES 85.26 63.08 0 0 5.00
13 144 Shawkey, Richard OPEN 85.90 64.30 0 0 4.00
14 131 Red, Bill SINGLES 89.12 70.46 0 0 2.00
15 141 Walters, Brian SIERRA 89.27 70.75 0 0 1.00
16 125 Brannan, Gary SINGLES DNF --- - 0 -
17 127 Johnson, Dave OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
18 134 Bell, Miles SINGLES DNF --- - 0 -
19 130 Bales, Steve OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
20 137 Evans, David SINGLES DNS --- - 0 -
S4OW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 52.28
Starters : 5 Low hcp = 40.00 Strike Time = 73.19
Courses : 1 High hcp = 49.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 152 Callahan, Micki OPEN 77.11 47.49 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 150 Lacativo, Libby OPEN 78.57 50.28 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 153 Li, Sarah SINGLES 79.70 52.44 0 0 15.00 BRONZE
4 151 House, Melissa SINGLES 79.97 52.96 0 0 14.00
5 154 Lockhart, Wendy SINGLES DNF --- - 0 -
S4OM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 52.28
Starters : 9 Low hcp = 40.00 Strike Time = 73.19
Courses : 1 High hcp = 49.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 162 Hennings, Tyson SIERRA 75.78 44.95 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 161 Krall, Ferdinand SINGLES 76.12 45.60 0 0 20.00 SILVER
3 168 Giedgowd, Ed OPEN 76.40 46.13 0 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 164 Wells, Stephen SINGLES 76.78 46.86 0 0 15.00
5 160 Phelps, Bill OPEN 78.28 49.73 0 0 14.00
6 167 McBeath, Randy OPEN 78.41 49.98 0 0 13.00
7 165 Cunningham, David OPEN 80.16 53.32 0 0 11.00
8 166 Gloster, Mark OPEN 86.79 66.00 0 0 9.00
9 163 Hall, Tracy OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S5JW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 1 Low hcp = 50.00 Strike Time = 77.35
Courses : 1 High hcp = 59.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 230 Masurat, Nicole OPEN 78.20 51.63 0 0 25.00 GOLD
S5JM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 1 Low hcp = 50.00 Strike Time = 77.35
Courses : 1 High hcp = 59.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 231 Doyle, Mitch OPEN 74.04 43.57 1 0 25.00 GOLD
S5VW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 6 Low hcp = 50.00 Strike Time = 77.35
Courses : 1 High hcp = 59.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 180 Kramer, Susan OPEN 80.66 56.40 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 181 Thude, Nancy SINGLES 84.57 63.99 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 185 Guttman, Julie SINGLES 88.10 70.83 0 0 14.00 BRONZE
4 184 Brewington, Kathy SINGLES 88.42 71.45 0 0 13.00
5 182 Manter, Nancy SIERRA 88.53 71.66 0 0 12.00
6 183 Redfern, Mary OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S5VM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 15 Low hcp = 50.00 Strike Time = 77.35
Courses : 1 High hcp = 59.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 201 Evart, Brett OPEN 76.34 48.03 1 0 25.00 GOLD
2 192 Ball, Doug OPEN 77.24 49.77 1 0 20.00 SILVER
3 194 Schlosser, Wayne OPEN 78.48 52.18 0 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 202 Schwarz, Robert OPEN 78.58 52.37 0 0 15.00
5 195 Meriman, Joe OPEN 80.42 55.94 0 0 14.00
6 197 Schultheis, John OPEN 83.97 62.82 0 0 12.00
7 204 Moody, Ed OPEN 85.75 66.27 0 0 11.00
8 191 Ostroff, Mark SIERRA 89.18 72.92 0 0 9.00
9 190 Kreiss, Don SINGLES 90.55 75.58 0 0 8.00
10 193 Jackson, Steve SIERRA 93.76 81.81 0 0 6.00
11 196 Hamlett, Peter OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
12 198 Rogers, Mike OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
13 203 Attix, Don OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
14 199 Strocchia, Lawrence OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
15 200 Takata, Kenneth OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S5OW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 4 Low hcp = 50.00 Strike Time = 77.35
Courses : 1 High hcp = 59.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 212 Bock, Kathy SINGLES 82.56 60.09 0 0 20.00 GOLD
2 213 Scharnikow, Jan SINGLES 100.57 95.01 0 0 13.00 SILVER
3 210 Price, Sarah SIERRA DNS --- - 0 -
4 211 Chin, Lisa OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S5OM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 11 Low hcp = 50.00 Strike Time = 77.35
Courses : 1 High hcp = 59.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 215 Tinsley, John OPEN 76.19 47.74 1 0 25.00 GOLD
2 302 Foy, Bill OPEN 77.32 49.93 1 0 20.00 SILVER
3 225 Marachi, Shar OPEN 80.28 55.67 0 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 216 Ko, Herb SINGLES 80.51 56.11 0 0 15.00
5 217 Kindred, Kevin OPEN 81.88 58.77 0 0 14.00
6 219 Holzschuh, Lee OPEN 82.21 59.41 0 0 13.00
7 224 Forest, Warren OPEN 85.10 65.01 0 0 11.00
8 221 Manning, Brian OPEN 86.60 67.92 0 0 10.00
9 218 Wiles, Ed SINGLES DNS --- - 0 -
10 220 Gilgur, Alex OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
11 223 Shtilman, Gregory OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S6JM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 4 Low hcp = 60.00 Strike Time = 82.51
Courses : 1 High hcp = 69.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 270 Tibbetts, Jesse OPEN 82.57 60.11 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 271 Holzschuh, Andrew OPEN 89.51 73.56 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 272 Sean, Simerly OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
4 273 Jochumson, Sarah OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S6VW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 6 Low hcp = 60.00 Strike Time = 82.51
Courses : 1 High hcp = 69.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 240 Joyce, Sharon SIERRA 81.72 58.46 1 0 25.00 GOLD
2 235 Phelps, Debi OPEN 98.14 90.30 0 0 14.00 SILVER
3 236 McCabe, Barbara SIERRA 100.52 94.91 0 0 13.00 BRONZE
4 238 Fuellenbach, Joan SIERRA 109.22 111.78 0 0 11.00
5 239 Hale, Linda OPEN 111.16 115.55 0 0 10.00
6 237 Bodfish, Lynn OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
S6VM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 11 Low hcp = 60.00 Strike Time = 82.51
Courses : 1 High hcp = 69.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 251 Speakman, Rocky SINGLES 84.80 64.43 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 248 Burgess, Brian SINGLES 89.24 73.04 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 247 Dabija, Vlad OPEN 90.83 76.12 0 0 15.00 BRONZE
4 254 Olson, Chuck SINGLES 96.52 87.16 0 0 13.00
5 250 Okazaki, Eldon OPEN 97.90 89.83 0 0 12.00
6 246 Corcoran, Dennis SIERRA 100.31 94.51 0 0 10.00
7 253 Hennings, Curtis OPEN 104.28 102.21 0 0 9.00
8 255 McCabe, Jeff SIERRA DNF --- - 0 -
9 249 Simpson, Kenneth SIERRA DNS --- - 0 -
10 252 Ordiers, Neil SIERRA DNS --- - 0 -
11 256 Taylor, Dick SIERRA DNS --- - 0 -
S6OW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 3 Low hcp = 60.00 Strike Time = 82.51
Courses : 1 High hcp = 69.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 443 Owen, Christine SINGLES 87.51 69.69 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 260 Rutz, Amur SIERRA 87.91 70.46 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 261 Nightengale, Michelle OPEN 94.85 83.92 0 0 14.00 BRONZE
S6OM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 51.57
Starters : 6 Low hcp = 60.00 Strike Time = 82.51
Courses : 1 High hcp = 69.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 267 Taylor, Brian OPEN 81.16 57.37 1 0 25.00 GOLD
2 265 Powers, Sean OPEN 85.00 64.82 0 0 20.00 SILVER
3 245 Tracy, Steve SINGLES 85.59 65.96 0 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 266 Brumm, Allen SINGLES 88.61 71.82 0 0 14.00
5 310 Nelson, Mark OPEN 89.19 72.94 0 0 13.00
6 268 Hansen, Chris OPEN 91.42 77.27 0 0 12.00
S7JW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 25.19
Starters : 4 Low hcp = 70.00 Strike Time = 42.82
Courses : 1 High hcp = 79.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 321 Vazquez, Dominique OPEN 42.19 67.48 1 0 25.00 GOLD
2 322 Dabija, Dominique OPEN 44.67 77.33 0 0 20.00 SILVER
3 320 Levinson, Robyn OPEN 46.85 85.98 0 0 15.00 BRONZE
4 323 Solomon, Audrey OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S7JM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 25.19
Starters : 1 Low hcp = 70.00 Strike Time = 42.82
Courses : 1 High hcp = 79.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 325 Holl, Ian OPEN 44.51 76.69 0 0 25.00 GOLD
S7VW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 25.19
Starters : 9 Low hcp = 70.00 Strike Time = 42.82
Courses : 1 High hcp = 79.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 283 Sheehan, Pat SINGLES 42.67 69.39 1 0 25.00 GOLD
2 282 Kiyomura, Sandy OPEN 44.81 77.88 0 0 20.00 SILVER
3 288 Falkenstine, Marybeth OPEN 45.74 81.57 0 0 15.00 BRONZE
4 285 Silver, Kathy SINGLES 46.67 85.27 0 0 14.00
5 284 Gasper, Liz OPEN 47.04 86.74 0 0 13.00
6 287 Flint, Linda OPEN 50.85 101.86 0 0 11.00
7 280 Stewart, Kathy SIERRA 61.43 143.86 0 0 8.00
8 281 Gibson, Kathy OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
9 286 Masurat, Marilyn OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S7VM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 25.19
Starters : 13 Low hcp = 70.00 Strike Time = 42.82
Courses : 1 High hcp = 79.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 301 Azevedo, Norm OPEN 43.21 71.53 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 298 Moorhouse, William OPEN 44.46 76.49 0 0 20.00 SILVER
3 292 Lion, Garry OPEN 44.47 76.53 0 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 291 Cannataro, Bob SINGLES 44.98 78.56 0 0 15.00
5 299 Tucknott, Robert OPEN 47.53 88.68 0 0 13.00
6 297 Muggli, Ray OPEN 47.89 90.11 0 0 11.00
7 293 Ulrich, Steve SINGLES 51.74 105.39 0 0 9.00
8 349 Vandermeer, Maarten OPEN 74.67 196.42 0 0 6.00
9 290 Donnelly, Michael OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
10 300 Ambrosavage, Jim OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
11 294 Peterson, George OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
12 295 Fusaro, Louis SINGLES DNS --- - 0 -
13 296 Wilson, Keith OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S7OW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 25.19
Starters : 4 Low hcp = 70.00 Strike Time = 42.82
Courses : 1 High hcp = 79.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 308 Domingo, Susan OPEN 45.09 78.99 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 307 Larsen, Bonnie OPEN 46.77 85.66 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 306 Woods, Susan OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
4 305 Murray, Jill SINGLES DNS --- - 0 -
S7OM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 25.19
Starters : 5 Low hcp = 70.00 Strike Time = 42.82
Courses : 1 High hcp = 79.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 312 Freeman, Chris OPEN 41.12 63.23 1 0 25.00 GOLD
2 311 Oldham, David SINGLES 42.80 69.90 1 0 20.00 SILVER
3 315 Carlson, Mike SINGLES 44.32 75.94 0 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 314 Vlasveld, Paul OPEN 44.78 77.76 0 0 15.00
5 313 Macrae, Wendell SINGLES 46.82 85.86 0 0 13.00
S8JW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 25.19
Starters : 2 Low hcp = 80.00 Strike Time = 45.34
Courses : 1 High hcp = 89.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 371 Hall, Nicole OPEN 48.98 94.44 0 0 20.00 GOLD
2 370 Jensen, Jennifer OPEN 50.62 100.95 0 0 17.00 SILVER
S8VW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 25.19
Starters : 6 Low hcp = 80.00 Strike Time = 45.34
Courses : 1 High hcp = 89.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 332 Moorea, Sonja SINGLES 44.05 74.87 1 0 25.00 GOLD
2 331 Boyer, Cathy OPEN 45.34 79.99 1 0 20.00 SILVER
3 334 Chartier, Anne OPEN 53.94 114.13 0 0 14.00 BRONZE
4 335 Barberi, Marie OPEN 58.29 131.40 0 0 12.00
5 333 Pierucci, Pat SIERRA 67.33 167.28 0 0 10.00
6 330 Kennedy, Linda SIERRA DNF --- - 0 -
S8VM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 25.19
Starters : 11 Low hcp = 80.00 Strike Time = 45.34
Courses : 1 High hcp = 89.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 351 Howard, Bob OPEN 48.12 91.02 0 0 20.00 GOLD
2 344 Zook, Don SINGLES 49.64 97.06 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 346 Laucke, Allan OPEN 50.55 100.67 0 0 15.00 BRONZE
4 343 VanBogart, Tom OPEN 52.66 109.05 0 0 13.00
5 345 Matten, Winn SIERRA 55.35 119.73 0 0 12.00
6 340 Muma, Craig OPEN 77.21 206.51 0 0 9.00
7 341 Moller, Bill SINGLES DQ --- - 0 -
8 342 Johnson, Lee SIERRA DNF --- - 0 -
9 347 Sheeman, Frank OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
10 348 Brien, Siegfried OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
11 350 Simerly, David OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S8OW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 25.19
Starters : 6 Low hcp = 80.00 Strike Time = 45.34
Courses : 1 High hcp = 89.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 357 Lucas, Erlyn OPEN 48.72 93.41 0 0 20.00 GOLD
2 355 Herbst, Jennifer SINGLES 49.23 95.43 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 358 Shriner, Jan SINGLES 54.21 115.20 0 0 14.00 BRONZE
4 359 Rice, Melanie OPEN 57.61 128.70 0 0 12.00
5 360 Deville, Mimi OPEN 60.49 140.13 0 0 11.00
6 356 Shellhammer, Helen SIERRA DNS --- - 0 -
S8OM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 25.19
Starters : 4 Low hcp = 80.00 Strike Time = 45.34
Courses : 1 High hcp = 89.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 368 Kezer, Larry SINGLES 42.65 69.31 2 0 25.00 GOLD
2 365 Syzrantsev, Vlad OPEN 45.76 81.65 0 0 20.00 SILVER
3 366 Valle-Riestra, Chris SINGLES 53.47 112.26 0 0 14.00 BRONZE
4 367 Amberg, Tom OPEN 67.04 166.13 0 0 11.00
S9JM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 24.97
Starters : 4 Low hcp = 90.00 Strike Time = 47.44
Courses : 1 High hcp = 104.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 407 Laucke, Michael OPEN 44.62 78.69 2 0 25.00 GOLD
2 405 Holl, Eric OPEN 46.69 86.98 1 0 20.00 SILVER
3 406 Jensen, Peter OPEN 46.82 87.50 1 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 408 Northcutt, Nicholas OPEN 50.99 104.20 0 0 15.00
S9VW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 24.97
Starters : 5 Low hcp = 90.00 Strike Time = 47.44
Courses : 1 High hcp = 104.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 380 Turvey, Mari SINGLES 52.36 109.69 0 0 20.00 GOLD
2 381 Simpson, Jo SIERRA 53.37 113.73 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 383 Johnson, Rosemary SINGLES 55.21 121.10 0 0 14.00 BRONZE
4 382 Indreboe, Linda OPEN 66.42 165.99 0 0 12.00
5 384 MacCullough, Sandy OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S9VM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 24.97
Starters : 8 Low hcp = 90.00 Strike Time = 47.44
Courses : 1 High hcp = 104.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 396 Laird, Jack SINGLES 47.56 90.46 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 395 Schuman, John SINGLES 51.75 107.24 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 392 Martin, Ed OPEN 51.93 107.96 0 0 15.00 BRONZE
4 391 Malin, Joe SINGLES 53.13 112.77 0 0 14.00
5 394 Lybrand, Ed SINGLES 54.51 118.30 0 0 13.00
6 390 Hennings, Chuck OPEN 57.81 131.51 0 0 11.00
7 397 Maguire, Mitch SINGLES 62.07 148.57 0 0 10.00
8 393 Vallerga, Ed SINGLES 81.31 225.63 0 0 8.00
S9OW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 24.97
Starters : 3 Low hcp = 90.00 Strike Time = 47.44
Courses : 1 High hcp = 104.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 400 Bryan, Laura OPEN 50.07 100.52 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 402 Berger, Courtney OPEN 58.89 135.84 0 0 15.00 SILVER
3 401 Schwarz, Sheryl OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S10JW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 24.97
Starters : 7 Low hcp = 105.00 Strike Time = 51.18
Courses : 1 High hcp = 119.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 435 Strocchia, Chloe OPEN 52.23 109.17 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 441 Lincoln, Stefinie OPEN 58.47 134.16 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 436 Hamlett, Gabriella OPEN 58.77 135.36 0 0 15.00 BRONZE
4 437 Jensen, Katherine OPEN 59.58 138.60 0 0 14.00
5 440 Sullivan, Nicole OPEN 70.77 183.42 0 0 12.00
6 438 Schwarz, Allison OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
7 439 Hamlett, Paloma OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
S10JM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 24.97
Starters : 3 Low hcp = 105.00 Strike Time = 51.18
Courses : 1 High hcp = 119.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 445 Foy, Craig OPEN 56.36 125.71 0 0 20.00 GOLD
2 447 Nelson, Jacob OPEN 64.00 156.30 0 0 15.00 SILVER
3 446 Brewington, Christopher OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S10VW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 24.97
Starters : 10 Low hcp = 105.00 Strike Time = 51.18
Courses : 1 High hcp = 119.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 410 Wilson, Kathy-Ann SIERRA 53.59 114.61 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 412 Daniel, Kristin SINGLES 57.11 128.71 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 415 Aquino, Beverly OPEN 58.91 135.92 0 0 15.00 BRONZE
4 419 Yothers, Gail SINGLES 59.26 137.32 0 0 14.00
5 413 Saadi, Sandy OPEN 62.99 152.26 0 0 12.00
6 416 Malone, Peggy SINGLES 67.56 170.56 0 0 11.00
7 414 Nickerson, Glenna SINGLES 67.59 170.68 0 0 10.00
8 418 Rotner, Gayle SINGLES DNF --- - 0 -
9 411 Frank, Liz OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
10 417 Pabst, Lisa OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
S10VM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 24.97
Starters : 3 Low hcp = 105.00 Strike Time = 51.18
Courses : 1 High hcp = 119.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 427 Stevens, Mike OPEN 54.77 119.34 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 425 Lincoln, David OPEN 55.23 121.18 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 426 Larson, Paul SINGLES DNS --- - 0 -
S10OW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 24.97
Starters : 3 Low hcp = 105.00 Strike Time = 51.18
Courses : 1 High hcp = 119.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 430 Lauer, Jean SINGLES 56.53 126.39 0 0 20.00 GOLD
2 432 Muller, Gretchen OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
3 431 Jeffrey, Jennifer SIERRA DNS --- - 0 -
SB1JM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 22.54
Starters : 1 Low hcp = 0.00 Strike Time = 22.54
Courses : 1 High hcp = 99.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 465 Hall, David OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
SB1VW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 22.54
Starters : 1 Low hcp = 0.00 Strike Time = 22.54
Courses : 1 High hcp = 99.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 450 Moody, Pat OPEN DNF --- - 0 -
SB1OW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 22.54
Starters : 1 Low hcp = 0.00 Strike Time = 22.54
Courses : 1 High hcp = 99.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 451 Culler, Jennifer OPEN 40.62 80.21 0 0 25.00 GOLD
SB1OM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 22.54
Starters : 9 Low hcp = 0.00 Strike Time = 22.54
Courses : 1 High hcp = 99.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 456 Salzman, Randy OPEN 34.45 52.83 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 458 Anderson, Dane OPEN 36.53 62.06 0 0 20.00 SILVER
3 461 Ferrel, Scott OPEN 39.15 73.69 0 0 17.00 BRONZE
4 455 Hanlon, Ken OPEN 39.95 77.24 0 0 15.00
5 457 Gilmore, Mike SINGLES 41.33 83.36 0 0 14.00
6 463 Bush, Kelvin OPEN 46.28 105.32 0 0 12.00
7 462 Cross, Phillip OPEN 49.76 120.76 0 0 10.00
8 460 Vaile, Dave OPEN 56.27 149.64 0 0 9.00
9 459 Bush, Kelvin OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
SB2VW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 22.54
Starters : 1 Low hcp = 100.00 Strike Time = 45.07
Courses : 1 High hcp = 119.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 470 Lawson, Cheryl OPEN 78.18 246.85 0 0 17.00 GOLD
SB2VM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 22.54
Starters : 1 Low hcp = 100.00 Strike Time = 45.07
Courses : 1 High hcp = 119.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 471 Kutaka, Roland OPEN 49.33 118.85 0 0 25.00 GOLD
SB2OW Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 22.54
Starters : 1 Low hcp = 100.00 Strike Time = 45.07
Courses : 1 High hcp = 119.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 475 Hall, Dani OPEN DNS --- - 0 -
SB2OM Adjustment = 1.00 ZeroParTime = 22.54
Starters : 4 Low hcp = 100.00 Strike Time = 45.07
Courses : 1 High hcp = 119.99 Cutoff Time = Inf
Rank bib Name League Time Hcp Stk Old Pts Rk AWARD
==== === ==== ====== ==== === === === ===== == =====
1 476 Chua, Eric OPEN 48.53 115.30 0 0 25.00 GOLD
2 478 Goth, Stephen OPEN 51.10 126.70 0 0 17.00 SILVER
3 477 Lubin, Richard SINGLES DNS --- - 0 -
4 479 Wiles, Ed SINGLES DNS --- - 0 -
Adjustment : Used to calibrate the ZPT. A 1.0 value means no calibration
ZeroParTime : The theoretical fastest possible time for the race
Strike Time : Any time <= results in a strike
Cutoff Time : Any time >= results in no points assigned
Starters : Amount of competing racers in the sub-class for the race
Courses : Amount of courses composing the race
Low hcp : Lower bound Handicap for the class
High hcp : Upper bound Handicap value for the class
T<#> : Course times. Present if it applies
Time : Race time combining several courses if it applies
Stk : Strike obtained during the race
Old : Strikes obtained during previous races
Pts : Points assigned during the race
Rk : Set to Y if the racer was a rookie for the race
Total of racers is 325
Total of strikers is 7.66% (22 out of 287 that finished)
Total of bumped is 0.69% ( 2 out of 287 that finished)
Total of DQ/DNS/DNF is 22.43% (83 out of 370)
Course snb.txt has 0.00% of strikers ( 0 out of 13 that finished)
Course int.txt has 10.00% of strikers ( 4 out of 40 that finished)
Course adv2.txt has 13.72% of strikers ( 7 out of 51 that finished)
Course adv1.txt has 13.46% of strikers ( 7 out of 52 that finished)
Course exp2.txt has 9.25% of strikers ( 5 out of 54 that finished)
Course exp1.txt has 0.00% of strikers ( 0 out of 42 that finished)
Fastest racer of the League is Dwayne Dunstone with a 7.36 hcp
Fastest for Open League is Randy Jones with a 11.75 hcp
Fastest for Sierra League is Dwayne Dunstone with a 7.36 hcp
Fastest for Singles League is Bob Ellis with a 13.37 hcp
Fastest in course snb.txt is Randy Salzman with a 52.83 hcp
Fastest in course int.txt is Michael Laucke with a 78.69 hcp
Fastest in course adv2.txt is Chris Freeman with a 63.23 hcp
Fastest in course adv1.txt is Mitch Doyle with a 43.57 hcp
Fastest in course exp2.txt is Dan Florea with a 28.40 hcp
Fastest in course exp1.txt is Dwayne Dunstone with a 7.36 hcp
Pacesetter times for course int.txt
Bib First Last Time Hcp
--- ----- ---- ---- ---
27 Mike Vialpando 28.11 12.57%
12 Jeff Shellhammer 32.88 31.67%
129 Dan Jeffrey 34.74 39.12%
56 Don Gay 36.77 47.25%
132 Donn Bryant 42.08 68.52%
Pacesetter times for course adv2.txt
Bib First Last Time Hcp
--- ----- ---- ---- ---
20 Craig Faitel 33.77 34.06%
34 Cameron Clarkson 34.31 36.20%
6 Paul Laudenschlager 34.35 36.36%
Pacesetter times for course adv1.txt
Bib First Last Time Hcp
--- ----- ---- ---- ---
5 Bob Ellis 62.24 20.69%
52 Barbara Bryant 75.45 46.30%
POINT results for the JUNIOR division
Total points per Leagues for the race
434.00 Open League
25.00 Sierra League
0.00 Singles League
Total Points Per Racer for the race
25.00 Sierra League with 1 racers
14.00 Open League with 31 racers
0.00 Singles League with 0 racers
Total points per League for the season
434.00 Open League
25.00 Sierra League
0.00 Singles League
Total Points Per Racer for the season
25.00 Sierra League with 1 racers
14.00 Open League with 31 racers
0.00 Singles League with 0 racers
POINT results for the ADULT division
Total points per Leagues for the race
1641.00 Open League
945.00 Singles League
622.00 Sierra League
Total Points Per Racer for the race
11.66 Singles League with 81 racers
10.79 Open League with 152 racers
10.36 Sierra League with 60 racers
Total points per League for the season
1641.00 Open League
945.00 Singles League
622.00 Sierra League
Total Points Per Racer for the season
11.66 Singles League with 81 racers
10.79 Open League with 152 racers
10.36 Sierra League with 60 racers
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