Singles League Racing 2007-2008

2008 Season Race Results

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ZPT log for Race 6, SL, Sugarbowl on March 1st 2008

Generated Fri Mar 28 16:35:48 2008 by hcp version 8.10

ZPT Calculations for Course Beginner (beg.txt)
| ZPT for  beg.txt is   8.82 with      0% of strikers ( 0 out of   2) |

ZPT Calculations for Course Intermediate, Run 1 (int1.txt)
ZPTs for Pacesetters in course int1.txt based on their handicaps:
  ZPT for Bib    1, Greig Howlett,      is  22.88
  ZPT for Bib    2, Craig Faitel,       is  23.16
  ZPT for Bib   46, Steve Shepherd,     is  23.41
Average   ZPT is  23.15, gives  23.07% of strikers, i.e.  3 out of  13
Tighttest ZPT is  23.15, gives  23.07% of strikers, i.e.  3 out of  13
Fastest   ZPT is  22.88, gives  15.38% of strikers, i.e.  2 out of  13
Slowest   ZPT is  23.41, gives  30.76% of strikers, i.e.  4 out of  13
Middle    ZPT is  23.16, gives  23.07% of strikers, i.e.  3 out of  13
Using pace time from bib    1, in zpt tightest mode
Using pace time from bib    2, in zpt tightest mode
Using pace time from bib   46, in zpt tightest mode
ZPT for int1.txt computed from Pacesetters times is  23.15
Gives  23.07% of strikers, i.e.  3 out of  13
Percentage of strikers is higher than the defined  10.00% limit
Final calculated ZPT for int1.txt is  22.31
| ZPT for int1.txt is  22.31 with   7.69% of strikers ( 1 out of  13) |
Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPT  22.31 for int1.txt
Bib    1, Greig Howlett,      got  28.23% (Rated  25.01%)
Bib    2, Craig Faitel,       got  21.73% (Rated  17.27%)
Bib   46, Steve Shepherd,     got  59.25% (Rated  51.77%)

Strikers Information for Course int1.txt
S10  M, bib  164 Dennis Heffley,      104.93%, strikes at 105.00%

ZPT Calculations for Course Advanced, Run 1 (adv1.txt)
ZPTs for Pacesetters in course adv1.txt based on their handicaps:
  ZPT for Bib    1, Greig Howlett,      is  38.27
  ZPT for Bib  705, Mark Lilly,         is  39.04
  ZPT for Bib    2, Craig Faitel,       is  40.57
  ZPT for Bib   41, Karl Smith,         is  48.32
Using pace time from bib  705, in zpt average mode
Using pace time from bib    2, in zpt average mode
ZPT for adv1.txt computed from Pacesetters times is  39.80
| ZPT for adv1.txt is  39.80 with      0% of strikers ( 0 out of  15) |
Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPT  39.80 for adv1.txt
Bib    1, Greig Howlett,      got  20.22% (Rated  25.01%)
Bib  705, Mark Lilly,         got  21.98% (Rated  24.35%)
Bib    2, Craig Faitel,       got  19.54% (Rated  17.27%)
Bib   41, Karl Smith,         got  93.66% (Rated  59.51%)

ZPT Calculations for Course Expert, Run 1 (exp1.txt)
ZPTs for Pacesetters in course exp1.txt based on their handicaps:
  ZPT for Bib    1, Greig Howlett,      is  38.82
  ZPT for Bib    7, Bruce Brewington,   is  39.28
  ZPT for Bib  705, Mark Lilly,         is  40.44
  ZPT for Bib  461, Ian Puleston,       is  42.42
  ZPT for Bib    2, Craig Faitel,       is  43.90
  ZPT for Bib   39, Stuart Scott,       is  53.71
  ZPT for Bib   41, Karl Smith,         is  56.46
  ZPT for Bib   33, Jennifer Herbst,    is  59.75
Using pace time from bib  705, in zpt average mode
Using pace time from bib  461, in zpt average mode
Using pace time from bib    2, in zpt average mode
ZPT for exp1.txt computed from Pacesetters times is  42.25
| ZPT for exp1.txt is  42.25 with   6.89% of strikers ( 2 out of  29) |
Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPT  42.25 for exp1.txt
Bib    1, Greig Howlett,      got  14.88% (Rated  25.01%)
Bib    7, Bruce Brewington,   got  33.79% (Rated  43.88%)
Bib  705, Mark Lilly,         got  19.02% (Rated  24.35%)
Bib  461, Ian Puleston,       got  40.23% (Rated  39.67%)
Bib    2, Craig Faitel,       got  21.86% (Rated  17.27%)
Bib   39, Stuart Scott,       got  92.80% (Rated  51.66%)
Bib   41, Karl Smith,         got 113.18% (Rated  59.51%)
Bib   33, Jennifer Herbst,    got 125.30% (Rated  59.30%)

Strikers Information for Course exp1.txt
 S2  M, bib    6 Rich Alpert,          21.44%, strikes at  26.00%
 S3 OM, bib   19 Stephen Wells,        31.36%, strikes at  33.00%

ZPT Calculations for Course Expert, Run 2 (exp2.txt)
ZPTs for Pacesetters in course exp2.txt based on their handicaps:
  ZPT for Bib    7, Bruce Brewington,   is  39.90
  ZPT for Bib    1, Greig Howlett,      is  39.97
  ZPT for Bib  705, Mark Lilly,         is  40.73
  ZPT for Bib  461, Ian Puleston,       is  42.21
  ZPT for Bib    2, Craig Faitel,       is  43.31
  ZPT for Bib   39, Stuart Scott,       is  51.06
  ZPT for Bib   33, Jennifer Herbst,    is  60.04
Using pace time from bib  461, in zpt average mode
Using pace time from bib    2, in zpt average mode
ZPT for exp2.txt computed from Pacesetters times is  42.76
Fastest time on the course was  42.52 which is faster than the ZPT,
so lowered the ZPT to  42.52
Final calculated ZPT for exp2.txt is  42.52
| ZPT for exp2.txt is  42.52 with   3.57% of strikers ( 1 out of  28) |
Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPT  42.52 for exp2.txt
Bib    7, Bruce Brewington,   got  35.04% (Rated  43.88%)
Bib    1, Greig Howlett,      got  17.52% (Rated  25.01%)
Bib  705, Mark Lilly,         got  19.12% (Rated  24.35%)
Bib  461, Ian Puleston,       got  38.66% (Rated  39.67%)
Bib    2, Craig Faitel,       got  19.47% (Rated  17.27%)
Bib   39, Stuart Scott,       got  82.14% (Rated  51.66%)
Bib   33, Jennifer Herbst,    got 124.95% (Rated  59.30%)

Strikers Information for Course exp2.txt
 S2  M, bib    6 Rich Alpert,          21.68%, strikes at  26.00%

ZPT Calculations for Course Intermediate, Run 2 (int2.txt)
ZPT for int2.txt is copied from int1.txt
| ZPT for int2.txt is  22.31 with  11.11% of strikers ( 1 out of   9) |

Strikers Information for Course int2.txt
 S9 VW, bib  124 Kristen Daniel,       89.19%, strikes at  90.00%

ZPT Calculations for Course Advanced, Run 2 (adv2.txt)
ZPT for adv2.txt is copied from adv1.txt
| ZPT for adv2.txt is  39.80 with      0% of strikers ( 0 out of  10) |

| Strike Information For All Courses Combined |
 S2  M, bib    6 Rich Alpert,          21.56%, strikes below  26.00%
 S3 OM, bib   19 Stephen Wells,        32.61%, strikes below  33.00%
 S9 VW, bib  124 Kristen Daniel,       89.19%, strikes below  90.00%
S10  M, bib  164 Dennis Heffley,      104.93%, strikes below 105.00%

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