2013 Season Race Results

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Open League Junior Results for Race 3, SL at Northstar on January 26th 2013

Generated Tue Feb 26 22:22:37 2013 by hcp version 13.3

- To see results for an individual run, either:
1. Click the Race stats link below and then click the link for a course,
2. Click Race stats and then click the link for a run on a course (which are a little further down),
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- To see the ZPT calculations click on a zero par time value.
- To see a class's overall points for the season so far click on the class name.
S01JW   S02JM   S04JM   S05JW   S05JM   S06JW   S06JM   S07JW   S07JM   S09JW   S10JW  

Race stats  Club results

Starters: 1 Runs: 2 Low handicap: 19.00 High handicap: 25.99
Zero Par Time Strike Time Cutoff Time Points Shift Times ZPT Adjustment
94.18 112.07 141.27 118.67, 125.26, 131.86 Manual: 0%  Total: -2.6%
Bib Name Club Run 1 Run 2 Time Hcp Stk Old Stk Pts Rk
Time Hcp Time Hcp
461Britt TarienBRJ 63.2937.1964.4134.04127.7035.59 0017 
Starters: 1 Runs: 2 Low handicap: 26.00 High handicap: 32.99
Zero Par Time Strike Time Cutoff Time Points Shift Times ZPT Adjustment
94.18 118.66 150.69 125.26, 131.86, 141.27 Manual: 0%  Total: -2.6%
Bib Name Club Run 1 Run 2 Time Hcp Stk Old Stk Pts Rk
Time Hcp Time Hcp
472Steven WaalOXJ 71.8855.8270.6947.11142.5751.38 0015 
Starters: 1 Runs: 2 Low handicap: 40.00 High handicap: 49.99
Zero Par Time Strike Time Cutoff Time Points Shift Times ZPT Adjustment
94.18 131.85 169.53 141.27, 150.69, 160.11 Manual: 0%  Total: -2.6%
Bib Name Club Run 1 Run 2 Time Hcp Stk Old Stk Pts Rk
Time Hcp Time Hcp
960Ian McCueALJ 80.5274.5594.7097.08175.2286.04 001 
Starters: 1 Runs: 2 Low handicap: 50.00 High handicap: 59.99
Zero Par Time Strike Time Cutoff Time Points Shift Times ZPT Adjustment
86.51 129.76 164.37 138.42, 147.07, 155.72 Manual: 0%  Total: 0%
Bib Name Club Run 1 Run 2 Time Hcp Stk Old Stk Pts Rk
Time Hcp Time Hcp
991Michelle WaalOXJ 66.2956.8268.8855.69135.1756.24 0125 
Starters: 2 Runs: 2 Low handicap: 50.00 High handicap: 59.99
Zero Par Time Strike Time Cutoff Time Points Shift Times ZPT Adjustment
86.51 129.76 164.37 138.42, 147.07, 155.72 Manual: 0%  Total: 0%
Bib Name Club Run 1 Run 2 Time Hcp Stk Old Stk Pts Rk
Time Hcp Time Hcp
499Spenser BusheyALJ 65.5555.0768.8455.60134.3955.34 0125 
285Kyle GahnMOJ 68.0360.9470.1558.56138.1859.72 0020 
Starters: 2 Runs: 2 Low handicap: 60.00 High handicap: 69.99
Zero Par Time Strike Time Cutoff Time Points Shift Times ZPT Adjustment
86.51 138.41 177.35 147.07, 155.72, 164.37 Manual: 0%  Total: 0%
Bib Name Club Run 1 Run 2 Time Hcp Stk Old Stk Pts Rk
Time Hcp Time Hcp
587Christina MeylanALJ 75.3678.2876.9473.91152.3076.04 0020 
583Emily GahnMOJ 77.7283.8681.1583.43158.8783.64 0015 
Starters: 1 Runs: 2 Low handicap: 60.00 High handicap: 69.99
Zero Par Time Strike Time Cutoff Time Points Shift Times ZPT Adjustment
86.51 138.41 177.35 147.07, 155.72, 164.37 Manual: 0%  Total: 0%
Bib Name Club Run 1 Run 2 Time Hcp Stk Old Stk Pts Rk
Time Hcp Time Hcp
348Alexander TaylorSBJ 69.8865.3174.2967.92144.1766.65 0125 
Starters: 1 Runs: 2 Low handicap: 70.00 High handicap: 79.99
Zero Par Time Strike Time Cutoff Time Points Shift Times ZPT Adjustment
86.51 147.06 190.33 155.72, 164.37, 177.35 Manual: 0%  Total: 0%
Bib Name Club Run 1 Run 2 Time Hcp Stk Old Stk Pts Rk
Time Hcp Time Hcp
524Mindy BusheyALJ 79.7988.7684.0790.03163.8689.41 0020 
Starters: 1 Runs: 2 Low handicap: 70.00 High handicap: 79.99
Zero Par Time Strike Time Cutoff Time Points Shift Times ZPT Adjustment
86.51 147.06 190.33 155.72, 164.37, 177.35 Manual: 0%  Total: 0%
Bib Name Club Run 1 Run 2 Time Hcp Stk Old Stk Pts Rk
Time Hcp Time Hcp
250Aidan RamblasALJ 75.3778.3078.0976.51153.4677.38 0125 
Starters: 1 Runs: Best of 2 Low handicap: 90.00 High handicap: 104.99
Zero Par Time Strike Time Cutoff Time Points Shift Times ZPT Adjustment
22.07 41.93 57.39 45.25, 48.56, 52.97 Manual: 0%  Total: 0%
Bib Name Club Run 1 Run 2 Time Hcp Stk Old Stk Pts Rk
Time Hcp Time Hcp
531Lauren GahnMOJ 42.2991.6142.3691.9342.2991.61 0125 
Starters: 3 Runs: Best of 2 Low handicap: 105.00 High handicap: 119.99
Zero Par Time Strike Time Cutoff Time Points Shift Times ZPT Adjustment
22.07 45.24 61.80 48.56, 52.97, 57.39 Manual: 0%  Total: 0%
Bib Name Club Run 1 Run 2 Time Hcp Stk Old Stk Pts Rk
Time Hcp Time Hcp
961Nicole McCueALJ DQ---46.24109.5146.24109.51 0025Yes
136Kaitlyn BrayOXJ 67.83207.34DNS---67.83207.34 001 
500Makaya CruzMOJ DNF---DNS---DQ--- -0- 

Starters : Number of competing racers in the sub-class for the race.
Runs : Number of runs taken by the class.
Low handicap : Lower bound of the handicap range for the class.
High handicap : Upper bound of the handicap range for the class.
Zero Par Time : The theoretical fastest possible time for the race.
Strike Time : Any time that beats or equals this results in a strike.
Cutoff Time : If a time does not beat this then just 1 point assigned.
Points Shift Times : For times that do not beat these, points get shifted down. Points are awarded to finishers as follows:
No shift:252017151413121110987654321
1 shift:20171514131211109876543211
2 shifts:1715141312111098765432111
... etc.
Points in the first row are applied for times that beat the first shift time, the second row for times that beat the second but not the first shift time, and the third row for times that don't beat the second shift time. The shift times actually correspond to the slowest handicap in the range of the class and the slowest handicap of the class below.
ZPT Adjustment : Percentage adjustments made to the zero par time calulated from pacesetter times (the Total value includes auto-adjustments for strike limiting).

Time : Race time. If multiple runs are made then each run time is shown followed by the combined time.
Hcp : Handicap. If multiple runs are made then the handicap for each run is shown, followed by the racer's final handicap for all runs combined.
Stk : Strikes obtained during the race.
Old Stk : Strikes obtained during previous races.
Pts : Points assigned during the race.
Rk : Yes if the racer was a rookie for the race.

Total number of racers is: 15
Percentage of racers with strikes is: 0%(0 out of 15 racers that started)
Percentage of racers that bumped is: 0%(0 out of 15 racers that started)
Percentage of racers with DQ/DNS/DNF is: 6.66%(1 out of 15)

Course Upper has:
Strikers: 1.66%(1 out of 60 that started)
Racers in class handicap:  20.00%(12 out of 60 that started)
Racers within 2 class handicaps:  61.66%(37 out of 60 that started)
Racers who beat the cutoff time:  83.33%(50 out of 60 that started)
Course Middle has:
Strikers: 0%(0 out of 60 that started)
Racers in class handicap:  23.33%(14 out of 60 that started)
Racers within 2 class handicaps:  50.00%(30 out of 60 that started)
Racers who beat the cutoff time:  78.33%(47 out of 60 that started)
Course Lower has:
Strikers: 10.00%(1 out of 10 that started)
Racers in class handicap:  40.00%(4 out of 10 that started)
Racers within 2 class handicaps:  70.00%(7 out of 10 that started)
Racers who beat the cutoff time:  80.00%(8 out of 10 that started)

Note that the above strike counts do not include runs that were only for pacesetting, and they do not include rookies (who cannot strike).

Fastest racer in Open League Junior is: Britt Tarien with a 35.59 handicap
Fastest man in Open League Junior is: Steven Waal with a 51.38 handicap
Fastest woman in Open League Junior is: Britt Tarien with a 35.59 handicap
Fastest junior in Open League Junior is: Britt Tarien with a 35.59 handicap
Fastest for Olympic Club Dependents is: Steven Waal with a 51.38 handicap
Fastest for Sunburst Ski Club is: Alexander Taylor with a 66.65 handicap
Fastest for Blade Runners Ski Club is: Britt Tarien with a 35.59 handicap
Fastest for Alpineers Ski Club is: Spenser Bushey with a 55.34 handicap
Fastest for Modesto Ski Club is: Kyle Gahn with a 59.72 handicap
Fastest on course Upper Run 1 is: Britt Tarien with a 37.19 handicap
Fastest on course Upper Run 2 is: Britt Tarien with a 34.04 handicap
Fastest on course Middle Run 1 is: Spenser Bushey with a 55.07 handicap
Fastest on course Middle Run 2 is: Spenser Bushey with a 55.60 handicap
Fastest on course Lower Run 1 is: Lauren Gahn with a 91.61 handicap
Fastest on course Lower Run 2 is: Lauren Gahn with a 91.93 handicap

Total OpenJr Points Per Club for the Race
116.00Alpineers Ski Club
60.00Modesto Ski Club
41.00Olympic Club Dependents
25.00Sunburst Ski Club
17.00Blade Runners Ski Club
0Berkeley Ski Club
0North Bay Snowonders Ski Club
0Castro Valley Ski Club
0Apres Ski Club
0Snowchasers Ski & Snowboard Club
0Olympic Club
Total OpenJr Points Per Racer for the Race
25.00Sunburst Ski Clubwith 1 racer
19.33Alpineers Ski Clubwith 6 racers
17.00Blade Runners Ski Clubwith 1 racer
15.00Modesto Ski Clubwith 4 racers
13.66Olympic Club Dependentswith 3 racers
0Berkeley Ski Clubwith 0 racers
0North Bay Snowonders Ski Clubwith 0 racers
0Castro Valley Ski Clubwith 0 racers
0Apres Ski Clubwith 0 racers
0Snowchasers Ski & Snowboard Clubwith 0 racers
0Olympic Clubwith 0 racers
Total OpenJr Points Per Club for the Season
317.00Alpineers Ski Club
238.00Olympic Club Dependents
174.00Modesto Ski Club
167.00Sunburst Ski Club
62.00Blade Runners Ski Club
45.00Snowchasers Ski & Snowboard Club
18.00Olympic Club
1.00Castro Valley Ski Club
0Berkeley Ski Club
0North Bay Snowonders Ski Club
0Apres Ski Club
Total OpenJr Points Per Racer for the Season
22.50Snowchasers Ski & Snowboard Clubwith 2 racers
20.87Sunburst Ski Clubwith 8 racers
19.83Olympic Club Dependentswith 12 racers
18.64Alpineers Ski Clubwith 17 racers
17.40Modesto Ski Clubwith 10 racers
12.40Blade Runners Ski Clubwith 5 racers
9.00Olympic Clubwith 2 racers
1.00Castro Valley Ski Clubwith 1 racer
0Berkeley Ski Clubwith 0 racers
0North Bay Snowonders Ski Clubwith 0 racers
0Apres Ski Clubwith 0 racers