2014 Season Race Results

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ZPT log for Race 5, GS at Alpine Meadows on March 2nd 2014

Generated Sat Mar 08 13:21:04 2014 by hcp version 14.4


                       ZPT Calculations for Course Upper

Classes: B00 S00 S01 S02 S03 S04

ZPTs calculated from individual pacesetter handicaps and times
(computed as average of those marked):

|                    Run 1                     |                    Run 2                     |
|  Bib Pacesetter                       ZPT    |  Bib Pacesetter                       ZPT    |
|  --- ----------                       ---    |  --- ----------                       ---    |
|  814 Shayne Wallace                  27.57   |  379 Rick Peterson                   29.51   |
|  904 Stephen Bard                    28.20   |  904 Stephen Bard                    29.80   |
|  379 Rick Peterson                   28.33   |  814 Shayne Wallace                  30.31   |
|    1 Bob Ellis                       28.86«  |  650 John Mcgregor                   30.55«  |
|   16 Dirk Jagdmann                   28.93«  |    1 Bob Ellis                       30.55«  |
|  688 Ken Simpson                     29.16«  |    9 Karl Smith                      30.78«  |
|  650 John Mcgregor                   29.22«  |  688 Ken Simpson                     30.83«  |
|   23 Nancy Ellis                     29.63   |   16 Dirk Jagdmann                   30.86   |
|    9 Karl Smith                      29.81   |   23 Nancy Ellis                     31.57   |
|    4 Ian Puleston                    29.91   |    4 Ian Puleston                    31.61   |
|  928 Donald Pawlowski                31.59   |  928 Donald Pawlowski                32.07   |
|                                     ======   |                                     ======   |
|                    Resultant ZPT:    29.04   |                    Resultant ZPT:    30.67   |
|                                     ======   |                                     ======   |
| (selection was by middle cluster)            | (selection was by middle cluster)            |

Final ZPT information for Upper:
|              |       Run 1        |       Run 2        |      Combined      |
|              |       -----        |       -----        |      --------      |
| Final ZPT:   |       29.04        |       30.67        |       59.71        |
| Strikes:     |   6.32% (5 of 79)  |  10.38% (8 of 77)  |   8.86% (7 of 79)  |
| In handicap: |  30.37% (24 of 79) |  49.35% (38 of 77) |  32.91% (26 of 79) |
| In 2 h/caps: |  81.01% (64 of 79) |  94.80% (73 of 77) |  87.34% (69 of 79) |
| Beat cutoff: |  97.46% (77 of 79) | 100.00% (77 of 77) |  96.20% (76 of 79) |

Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPTs:

 Bib Pacesetter                     | Rated  | Run 1  | Run 2  |
 --- ----------                     | -----  | -----  | -----  |
 379 Rick Peterson                  | 17.01% | 14.18% | 12.61% |
   1 Bob Ellis                      | 22.22% | 21.48% | 21.74% |
   4 Ian Puleston                   | 23.33% | 27.06% | 27.12% |
   9 Karl Smith                     | 31.59% | 35.08% | 32.08% |
 928 Donald Pawlowski               | 37.24% | 49.31% | 43.52% |
 650 John McGregor                  | 37.47% | 38.36% | 36.94% |
  16 Dirk Jagdmann                  | 37.60% | 37.12% | 38.47% |
 814 Shayne Wallace                 | 39.15% | 32.12% | 37.56% |
 904 Stephen Bard                   | 43.79% | 39.66% | 39.71% |
  23 Nancy Ellis                    | 45.89% | 48.89% | 50.17% |
 688 Ken Simpson                    | 49.53% | 50.17% | 50.34% |

Strikers on course Upper:
                                                 |    Run 1    |    Run 2    |  Combined   |
                                                 | H'cap Strks | H'cap Strks | H'cap Strks |
                                                 | ----- ----- | ----- ----- | ----- ----- |
| 554 Colleen Waal                     S04OW     | 39.63%   1  | 32.83%   2  | 36.14%   1  |
| 544 John Lenox                       S03VM     | 31.43%   1  | 29.24%   1  | 30.31%   1  |
| 381 Patrick Kerwin                   S02VM     | 25.96%   1  | 23.08%   1  | 24.48%   1  |
| 609 Stan Pretetsky                   S02OM     | 25.48%   1  | 23.60%   1  | 24.51%   1  |
| 627 Joe Brady                        S01OM     | 18.35%   1  | 17.11%   1  | 17.71%   1  |
| 618 Rick Reinsch                     S03VM     |  No strike  | 29.01%   1  | 31.92%   1  |
| 991 Michelle Waal                    S04JW     |  No strike  | 38.37%   1  | 39.23%   1  |
| 377 Jeni Brookes                     S04OW     |  No strike  | 37.13%   1  |  No strike  |

ZPTs resulting from different pacesetter selection algorithms:
(informative only - not used in setting ZPTs)

|                  |           Run 1           |           Run 2           |
|  ZPT Algorithm   |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |
|  -------------   |   ---   |     -------     |   ---   |     -------     |
| Average ZPT      |  29.20  |    6 (7.59%)    |  30.76  |    8 (10.38%)   |
| Tightest cluster |  29.04  |    5 (6.32%)    |  30.67  |    8 (10.38%)   |
| Fastest cluster  |  28.24  |    0 (0%)       |  30.04  |    4 (5.19%)    |
| Middle cluster   |  29.04  |    5 (6.32%)    |  30.67  |    8 (10.38%)   |
| Slowest cluster  |  30.23  |   11 (13.92%)   |  31.52  |   17 (22.07%)   |
|                  |         | From 79 racers  |         | From 77 racers  |


                       ZPT Calculations for Course Middle

Classes: B05 S05 S06 S07

ZPTs calculated from individual pacesetter handicaps and times
(computed as average of those marked):

|                    Run 1                     |                    Run 2                     |
|  Bib Pacesetter                       ZPT    |  Bib Pacesetter                       ZPT    |
|  --- ----------                       ---    |  --- ----------                       ---    |
|  650 John Mcgregor                   29.02«  |   16 Dirk Jagdmann                   29.98«  |
|  379 Rick Peterson                   30.28   |  379 Rick Peterson                   31.09   |
|  904 Stephen Bard                    30.46   |  650 John Mcgregor                   35.28   |
|   16 Dirk Jagdmann                   30.77   |                                              |
|                                     ======   |                                     ======   |
|                    Resultant ZPT:    29.02   |                    Resultant ZPT:    29.98   |
|                                     ======   |                                     ======   |
| (selection was done manually)                | (selection was done manually)                |

A manual adjustment of -2.00% was applied on run 2
Final calculated ZPT for run 2 after adjustments is 29.38

Final ZPT information for Middle:
|              |       Run 1        |       Run 2        |      Combined      |
|              |       -----        |       -----        |      --------      |
| Final ZPT:   |       29.02        |       29.38        |       58.40        |
| Strikes:     |  10.25% (4 of 39)  |  13.15% (5 of 38)  |  10.25% (4 of 39)  |
| In handicap: |  38.46% (15 of 39) |  57.89% (22 of 38) |  43.58% (17 of 39) |
| In 2 h/caps: |  84.61% (33 of 39) |  84.21% (32 of 38) |  84.61% (33 of 39) |
| Beat cutoff: |  97.43% (38 of 39) |  97.36% (37 of 38) |  94.87% (37 of 39) |

Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPTs:

 Bib Pacesetter                     | Rated  | Run 1  | Run 2  |
 --- ----------                     | -----  | -----  | -----  |
 379 Rick Peterson                  | 17.01% | 22.12% | 23.85% |
 650 John McGregor                  | 37.47% | 37.49% | 65.11% |
  16 Dirk Jagdmann                  | 37.60% | 45.93% | 40.43% |
 904 Stephen Bard                   | 43.79% | 50.96% |   -    |

Strikers on course Middle:
                                                 |    Run 1    |    Run 2    |  Combined   |
                                                 | H'cap Strks | H'cap Strks | H'cap Strks |
                                                 | ----- ----- | ----- ----- | ----- ----- |
| 914 Nicole Hall                      S06OW     | 53.41%   1  | 49.35%   2  | 51.36%   1  |
|  43 Tina Nott                        S06OW     | 57.40%   1  | 52.58%   1  | 54.98%   1  |
| 350 Yao Cheng                        S06OM     | 57.89%   1  | 54.39%   1  | 56.13%   1  |
| 344 Konstantin Koshelev              S05OM     | 47.72%   1  | 45.77%   1  | 46.74%   1  |
| 348 Alexander Taylor                 S05JM     |  No strike  | 49.55%   1  |  No strike  |

ZPTs resulting from different pacesetter selection algorithms:
(informative only - not used in setting ZPTs)

|                  |           Run 1           |           Run 2           |
|  ZPT Algorithm   |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |
|  -------------   |   ---   |     -------     |   ---   |     -------     |
| Average ZPT      |  30.13  |    7 (17.94%)   |  32.11  |   25 (65.78%)   |
| Tightest cluster |  30.37  |    7 (17.94%)   |  32.11  |   25 (65.78%)   |
| Fastest cluster  |  29.65  |    5 (12.82%)   |  29.98  |   10 (26.31%)   |
| Middle cluster   |  30.37  |    7 (17.94%)   |  31.09  |   17 (44.73%)   |
| Slowest cluster  |  30.61  |   10 (25.64%)   |  35.28  |   31 (81.57%)   |
|                  |         | From 39 racers  |         | From 38 racers  |


                       ZPT Calculations for Course Lower

Classes: B08 S08 S09 S10

The ZPT for run 1 is taken from Middle Run 1

The ZPT for run 2 is taken from Middle Run 2

Final ZPT information for Lower:
|              |       Run 1        |       Run 2        |
|              |       -----        |       -----        |
| Final ZPT:   |       29.02        |       29.38        |
| Strikes:     |  33.33% (2 of 6)   |  16.66% (1 of 6)   |
| In handicap: |  66.66% (4 of 6)   |  16.66% (1 of 6)   |
| In 2 h/caps: | 116.66% (7 of 6)   |  83.33% (5 of 6)   |
| Beat cutoff: | 166.66% (10 of 6)  | 100.00% (6 of 6)   |

Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPTs:

 Bib Pacesetter                     | Rated  | Run 1  | Run 2  |
 --- ----------                     | -----  | -----  | -----  |
 379 Rick Peterson                  | 17.01% | 16.69% |   -    |
 650 John McGregor                  | 37.47% | 31.37% |   -    |
  16 Dirk Jagdmann                  | 37.60% | 39.44% |   -    |
 904 Stephen Bard                   | 43.79% | 44.25% |   -    |
 605 Bill Red                       | 59.02% | 62.13% |   -    |

Strikers on course Lower:
                                                 |    Run 1    |    Run 2    |  Combined   |
                                                 | H'cap Strks | H'cap Strks | H'cap Strks |
                                                 | ----- ----- | ----- ----- | ----- ----- |
| 670 Paulette McGregor                S10SW/SVW | 99.58%   1  | 100.10%  1  | 99.58%   1  |
| 372 TJ O'Brien                       S10JM     | 104.96%  1  |  No strike  | 104.96%  1  |

ZPTs resulting from different pacesetter selection algorithms:
(informative only - not used in setting ZPTs)

|                  |           Run 1           |           Run 2           |
|  ZPT Algorithm   |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |
|  -------------   |   ---   |     -------     |   ---   |     -------     |
| Average ZPT      |  30.29  |    4 (66.66%)   |    -    |         -       |
| Tightest cluster |  30.37  |    4 (66.66%)   |    -    |         -       |
| Fastest cluster  |  29.65  |    3 (50.00%)   |    -    |         -       |
| Middle cluster   |  30.37  |    4 (66.66%)   |    -    |         -       |
| Slowest cluster  |  30.86  |    4 (66.66%)   |    -    |         -       |
|                  |         | From 6 racers   |         |                 |


               Final Strike Information For All Courses Combined

 627 Joe Brady                      S01OM       17.71%, 1 strike  below  19.00%
 381 Patrick Kerwin                 S02VM       24.48%, 1 strike  below  26.00%
 609 Stan Pretetsky                 S02OM       24.51%, 1 strike  below  26.00%
 544 John Lenox                     S03VM       30.31%, 1 strike  below  33.00%
 618 Rick Reinsch                   S03VM       31.92%, 1 strike  below  33.00%
 554 Colleen Waal                   S04OW       36.14%, 1 strike  below  40.00%
 991 Michelle Waal                  S04JW       39.23%, 1 strike  below  40.00%
 344 Konstantin Koshelev            S05OM       46.74%, 1 strike  below  50.00%
 914 Nicole Hall                    S06OW       51.36%, 1 strike  below  60.00%
  43 Tina Nott                      S06OW       54.98%, 1 strike  below  60.00%
 350 Yao Cheng                      S06OM       56.13%, 1 strike  below  60.00%
 670 Paulette McGregor              S10SW/SVW   99.58%, 1 strike  below 105.00%
 372 TJ O'Brien                     S10JM      104.96%, 1 strike  below 105.00%