FWRA Championships
ZPT log for Far Wests 2016 Race 2, GS at Alpine Meadows on March 20th 2016 Generated Sun Mar 20 13:20:36 2016 by hcp version 16.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZPT Calculations for Course Course1 =================================== Classes: MONO S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 ZPTs calculated from individual pacesetter handicaps and times (computed as average of those marked): Bib Pacesetter ZPT --- ---------- --- 774 Nancy Ellis 31.32 650 John McGregor 31.80 466 Bill Phelps 32.21 107 Glen Brewer 32.25 131 Scott Peer 32.52« 54 Lors Spicher 32.75« 82 Larry Gowing 33.22« 1 Bob Ellis 33.39« 25 Don Shafe 33.51« 4 Ian Puleston 33.82 21 Mike Ferketich 33.89 105 Joyce Yamamoto 33.97 928 Donald Pawlowski 34.65 17 JD Harper 34.72 118 Ken Williams 34.83 90 Rick Harrington 34.99 804 Mark Ostroff 35.13 101 George Eachus 36.14 13 Ken Kawahara 36.51 109 Tracy Kaber 36.95 ====== Resultant ZPT: 33.07 ====== (selection was manually) Final ZPT information for Course1: +------------------------------------+ | Final ZPT: 33.07 | | Strikes: 4.28% (3 out of 70) | | In handicap: 41.42% (29 of 70) | | In 2 h/caps: 91.42% (64 of 70) | | Beat cutoff: 100.00% (70 of 70) | +------------------------------------+ Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPT 33.07: Bib Pacesetter | Rated | Handicap | --- ---------- | ----- | -------- | 131 Scott Peer | 14.39% | 12.51% | 25 Don Shafe | 18.13% | 19.71% | 1 Bob Ellis | 21.50% | 22.67% | 90 Rick Harrington | 22.35% | 29.48% | 4 Ian Puleston | 22.43% | 25.21% | 82 Larry Gowing | 25.53% | 26.12% | 118 Ken Williams | 27.86% | 34.68% | 466 Bill Phelps | 31.04% | 27.63% | 928 Donald Pawlowski | 32.23% | 38.55% | 54 Lors Spicher | 32.50% | 31.23% | 109 Tracy Kaber | 35.35% | 51.25% | 17 JD Harper | 36.40% | 43.24% | 107 Glen Brewer | 37.58% | 34.16% | 650 John McGregor | 38.17% | 32.89% | 105 Joyce Yamamoto | 38.50% | 42.27% | 13 Ken Kawahara | 42.58% | 57.42% | 101 George Eachus | 43.46% | 56.78% | 774 Nancy Ellis | 46.92% | 39.18% | 21 Mike Ferketich | 47.74% | 51.43% | 804 Mark Ostroff | 48.75% | 58.02% | Strikers on course Course1: 98 Tyler Spencer S3 OM 26.39%, 1 strike @ 33.00% 285 Kyle Gahn S3 JM 29.66%, 1 strike @ 33.00% 774 Nancy Ellis S4SVW 39.18%, 1 strike @ 40.00% ZPTs resulting from different pacesetter selection algorithms: (informative only - not used in setting ZPTs) | ZPT Algorithm | ZPT | Strikes | | ------------- | --- | ------- | | Average ZPT | 33.92 | 11 (15.71%) | | Tightest cluster | 34.41 | 16 (22.85%) | | Fastest cluster | 32.29 | 2 (2.85%) | | Middle cluster | 33.77 | 10 (14.28%) | | Slowest cluster | 35.61 | 34 (48.57%) | | | | From 70 racers | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZPT Calculations for Course Course2 =================================== Classes: LGND S9 S10 SB1 SB2 S5 S6 S7 S8 ZPTs calculated from individual pacesetter handicaps and times (computed as average of those marked): Bib Pacesetter ZPT --- ---------- --- 21 Mike Ferketich 30.99 774 Nancy Ellis 31.97 107 Glen Brewer 32.13 804 Mark Ostroff 32.29« 118 Ken Williams 33.94« 4 Ian Puleston 34.36 ====== Resultant ZPT: 33.11 ====== (selection was manually) Final ZPT information for Course2: +------------------------------------+ | Final ZPT: 33.11 | | Strikes: 14.28% (7 out of 49) | | In handicap: 44.89% (22 of 49) | | In 2 h/caps: 75.51% (37 of 49) | | Beat cutoff: 87.75% (43 of 49) | +------------------------------------+ Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPT 33.11: Bib Pacesetter | Rated | Handicap | --- ---------- | ----- | -------- | 4 Ian Puleston | 22.43% | 27.06% | 118 Ken Williams | 27.86% | 31.07% | 107 Glen Brewer | 37.58% | 33.52% | 774 Nancy Ellis | 46.92% | 41.89% | 21 Mike Ferketich | 47.74% | 38.29% | 804 Mark Ostroff | 48.75% | 45.09% | Strikers on course Course2: 960 Ian McCue S5 JM 37.42%, 2 strikes @ 50.00% 308 Ada Praun-Petrovic S5 JW 41.98%, 1 strike @ 50.00% 961 Nicole McCue S5 JW 42.10%, 1 strike @ 50.00% 531 Lauren Gahn S6 JW 54.78%, 1 strike @ 60.00% 951 Nathan Gahn S6 JM 56.84%, 1 strike @ 60.00% 89 Judy Bracken S7 VW 67.23%, 1 strike @ 70.00% 309 Vouk Praun-Petrovic S6 JM 58.62%, 1 strike @ 60.00% ZPTs resulting from different pacesetter selection algorithms: (informative only - not used in setting ZPTs) | ZPT Algorithm | ZPT | Strikes | | ------------- | --- | ------- | | Average ZPT | 32.61 | 6 (12.24%) | | Tightest cluster | 32.05 | 4 (8.16%) | | Fastest cluster | 31.48 | 3 (6.12%) | | Middle cluster | 32.21 | 4 (8.16%) | | Slowest cluster | 34.15 | 10 (20.40%) | | | | From 49 racers | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Strike Information For All Courses Combined ================================================= 98 Tyler Spencer S3OM 26.39%, 1 strike below 33.00% 285 Kyle Gahn S3JM 29.66%, 1 strike below 33.00% 774 Nancy Ellis S4SVW 39.18%, 1 strike below 40.00% 308 Ada Praun-Petrovic S5JW 41.98%, 1 strike below 50.00% 961 Nicole McCue S5JW 42.10%, 1 strike below 50.00% 960 Ian McCue S5JM 37.42%, 2 strikes below 50.00% 531 Lauren Gahn S6JW 54.78%, 1 strike below 60.00% 951 Nathan Gahn S6JM 56.84%, 1 strike below 60.00% 309 Vouk Praun-Petrovic S6JM 58.62%, 1 strike below 60.00% 89 Judy Bracken S7VW 67.23%, 1 strike below 70.00%