2017 Season Race Results

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ZPT log for Race 5, GS at Northstar on March 12th 2017

Generated Thu Mar 16 15:18:07 2017 by hcp version 17.2


                       ZPT Calculations for Course Upper

Classes: B00 S00 S01 S02 S03

ZPTs calculated from individual pacesetter handicaps and times
(computed as average of those marked):

 Bib Pacesetter               ZPT
 --- ----------               ---
 638 Reed Brady              58.92 
 613 Greg Peairs             59.89 
 949 Robert Waal             60.36 
   4 Ian Puleston            60.67 
 928 Donald Pawlowski        60.80 
 650 John Mcgregor           60.95«
   1 Bob Ellis               61.63«
 466 Bill Phelps             61.89«
 629 John Barnhart           61.90«
 100 Chuck Roncancio         62.50«
 774 Nancy Ellis             63.45 
 501 Jeff Farnsworth         65.34 
 981 Brad Hart               65.78 
 904 Stephen Bard            69.23 
 398 Paul Vlasveld           69.54 
           Resultant ZPT:    61.77
(selection was by middle cluster)

Final ZPT information for Upper:
| Final ZPT:    61.77                |
| Strikes:      2.22% (1 out of 45)  |
| In handicap:  37.77% (17 of 45)    |
| In 2 h/caps:  71.11% (32 of 45)    |
| Beat cutoff: 100.00% (45 of 45)    |

Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPT 61.77:

 Bib Pacesetter             | Rated  | Handicap  |
 --- ----------             | -----  | --------  |
 629 John Barnhart          | 14.24% |  14.48%   |
 501 Jeff Farnsworth        | 20.86% |  27.84%   |
 638 Reed Brady             | 22.11% |  16.48%   |
   1 Bob Ellis              | 22.13% |  21.87%   |
   4 Ian Puleston           | 23.39% |  21.20%   |
 466 Bill Phelps            | 26.26% |  26.51%   |
 928 Donald Pawlowski       | 32.49% |  30.41%   |
 650 John McGregor          | 34.24% |  32.45%   |
 613 Greg Peairs            | 35.50% |  31.39%   |
 949 Robert Waal            | 35.65% |  32.57%   |
 981 Brad Hart              | 38.09% |  47.06%   |
 398 Paul Vlasveld          | 39.03% |  56.53%   |
 904 Stephen Bard           | 40.66% |  57.64%   |
 774 Nancy Ellis            | 43.54% |  47.45%   |
 100 Chuck Roncancio        | 43.95% |  45.65%   |

Strikers on course Upper:
 662 William Marks            S03 VM   29.20%, 1 strike  @  33.00%

ZPTs resulting from different pacesetter selection algorithms:
(informative only - not used in setting ZPTs)

|  ZPT Algorithm   |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |
|  -------------   |   ---   |     -------     |
| Average ZPT      |  62.85  |    1 (2.22%)    |
| Tightest cluster |  60.53  |    1 (2.22%)    |
| Fastest cluster  |  60.12  |    1 (2.22%)    |
| Middle cluster   |  61.77  |    1 (2.22%)    |
| Slowest cluster  |  66.66  |   14 (31.11%)   |
|                  |         | From 45 racers  |


                       ZPT Calculations for Course Middle

Classes: LGND B05 SB6 B08 S04 S05 S06 S07

ZPTs calculated from individual pacesetter handicaps and times
(computed as average of those marked):

 Bib Pacesetter               ZPT
 --- ----------               ---
 804 Mark Ostroff            58.45 
  20 David Baird             59.42 
  33 Nikki Rubio             60.36«
 928 Donald Pawlowski        61.32«
 650 John Mcgregor           62.33«
 774 Nancy Ellis             62.55 
   1 Bob Ellis               62.55 
 100 Chuck Roncancio         65.97 
           Resultant ZPT:    61.33
(selection was by middle cluster)

Final ZPT information for Middle:
| Final ZPT:    61.33                |
| Strikes:      7.31% (3 out of 41)  |
| In handicap:  39.02% (16 of 41)    |
| In 2 h/caps:  68.29% (28 of 41)    |
| Beat cutoff:  97.56% (40 of 41)    |

Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPT 61.33:

 Bib Pacesetter             | Rated  | Handicap  |
 --- ----------             | -----  | --------  |
   1 Bob Ellis              | 22.13% |  24.57%   |
 928 Donald Pawlowski       | 32.49% |  32.48%   |
 650 John McGregor          | 34.24% |  36.44%   |
 774 Nancy Ellis            | 43.54% |  46.40%   |
 100 Chuck Roncancio        | 43.95% |  54.85%   |
  20 David Baird            | 45.50% |  40.99%   |
 804 Mark Ostroff           | 47.57% |  40.64%   |
  33 Nikki Rubio            | 60.55% |  58.03%   |

Strikers on course Middle:
 383 Taylor Hill              S06 JW   43.50%, 2 strikes @  60.00%
 666 Shane Dake               S06 VM   54.32%, 1 strike  @  60.00%
 820 Nan Carnal               S06SVW   58.94%, 1 strike  @  60.00%

ZPTs resulting from different pacesetter selection algorithms:
(informative only - not used in setting ZPTs)

|  ZPT Algorithm   |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |
|  -------------   |   ---   |     -------     |
| Average ZPT      |  61.61  |    5 (12.19%)   |
| Tightest cluster |  62.47  |    7 (17.07%)   |
| Fastest cluster  |  59.41  |    2 (4.87%)    |
| Middle cluster   |  61.33  |    3 (7.31%)    |
| Slowest cluster  |  63.69  |    9 (21.95%)   |
|                  |         | From 41 racers  |


                       ZPT Calculations for Course Lower

Classes: SB9 S08 S09 S10

ZPTs calculated from individual pacesetter handicaps and times
(computed as average of those marked):

 Bib Pacesetter               ZPT
 --- ----------               ---
  33 Nikki Rubio             26.75 
 928 Donald Pawlowski        28.11«
 466 Bill Phelps             28.11«
 981 Brad Hart               28.40 
 100 Chuck Roncancio         28.46 
           Resultant ZPT:    28.11
(selection was by middle cluster)

Final ZPT information for Lower:
| Final ZPT:    28.11                |
| Strikes:      0% (0 out of 5)      |
| In handicap:  20.00% (1 of 5)      |
| In 2 h/caps:  60.00% (3 of 5)      |
| Beat cutoff:  80.00% (4 of 5)      |

Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPT 28.11:

 Bib Pacesetter             | Rated  | Handicap  |
 --- ----------             | -----  | --------  |
 466 Bill Phelps            | 26.26% |  26.28%   |
 928 Donald Pawlowski       | 32.49% |  32.51%   |
 981 Brad Hart              | 38.09% |  39.52%   |
 100 Chuck Roncancio        | 43.95% |  45.74%   |
  33 Nikki Rubio            | 60.55% |  52.79%   |

No strikers on course Lower:

ZPTs resulting from different pacesetter selection algorithms:
(informative only - not used in setting ZPTs)

|  ZPT Algorithm   |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |
|  -------------   |   ---   |     -------     |
| Average ZPT      |  27.96  |    0 (0%)       |
| Tightest cluster |  28.11  |    0 (0%)       |
| Fastest cluster  |  27.43  |    0 (0%)       |
| Middle cluster   |  28.11  |    0 (0%)       |
| Slowest cluster  |  28.43  |    1 (20.00%)   |
|                  |         | From 5 racers   |


               Final Strike Information For All Courses Combined

 662 William Marks          S03VM    29.20%, 1 strike  below  33.00%
 820 Nan Carnal             S06SVW   58.94%, 1 strike  below  60.00%
 666 Shane Dake             S06VM    54.32%, 1 strike  below  60.00%
 383 Taylor Hill            S06JW    43.50%, 2 strikes below  60.00%