2019 Season Race Results

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ZPT log for Race 4, SL at Sugarbowl on March 17th 2019

Generated Tue Apr 23 17:20:58 2019 by hcp version 19.0


                       ZPT Calculations for Course Upper

Classes: S00 S01 S02 S03

ZPTs calculated from individual pacesetter handicaps and times
(computed as average of those marked):

|                Run 1                 |                Run 2                 |
|  Bib Pacesetter               ZPT    |  Bib Pacesetter               ZPT    |
|  --- ----------               ---    |  --- ----------               ---    |
|  803 Rick Harrington         42.12   |   20 David Baird             43.68   |
|   20 David Baird             42.34   |  803 Rick Harrington         44.87   |
|    1 Bob Ellis               42.87   |  466 Bill Phelps             45.07«  |
|  650 John Mcgregor           43.82«  |    1 Bob Ellis               46.14«  |
|  642 Corey Doolin            44.14«  |  650 John Mcgregor           46.21«  |
|  466 Bill Phelps             45.54«  |  928 Donald Pawlowski        47.18«  |
|  928 Donald Pawlowski        46.24«  |  981 Brad Hart               48.55«  |
|  981 Brad Hart               48.34«  |    9 Karl Smith              49.86   |
|    9 Karl Smith              49.42   |  100 Chuck Roncancio         53.12   |
|  398 Paul Vlasveld           50.02   |  398 Paul Vlasveld           53.24   |
|    3 Craig Faitel            53.41   |    3 Craig Faitel            53.84   |
|  804 Mark Ostroff            54.41   |  804 Mark Ostroff            56.06   |
|  300 Brett Evart             54.58   |  501 Jeff Farnsworth         57.32   |
|  100 Chuck Roncancio         54.80   |  300 Brett Evart             57.48   |
|  501 Jeff Farnsworth         55.61   |                                      |
|                             ======   |                             ======   |
|            Resultant ZPT:    45.61   |            Resultant ZPT:    46.63   |
|                             ======   |                             ======   |
| (selection was done manually)        | (selection was done manually)        |

Final ZPT information for Upper:
|              |       Run 1        |       Run 2        |      Combined      |
|              |       -----        |       -----        |      --------      |
| Final ZPT:   |       45.61        |       46.63        |       92.24        |
| Strikes:     |   4.87% (2 of 41)  |   2.56% (1 of 39)  |   4.87% (2 of 41)  |
| In handicap: |  29.26% (12 of 41) |  23.07% (9 of 39)  |  21.95% (9 of 41)  |
| In 2 h/caps: |  58.53% (24 of 41) |  46.15% (18 of 39) |  48.78% (20 of 41) |
| Beat cutoff: |  78.04% (32 of 41) |  79.48% (31 of 39) |  73.17% (30 of 41) |

Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPTs:

 Bib Pacesetter             | Rated  | Run 1  | Run 2  |
 --- ----------             | -----  | -----  | -----  |
   3 Craig Faitel           |  9.66% | 28.41% | 26.63% |
   1 Bob Ellis              | 16.63% |  9.64% | 15.41% |
 642 Corey Doolin           | 21.85% | 17.93% |   -    |
 803 Rick Harrington        | 25.02% | 15.47% | 20.30% |
 501 Jeff Farnsworth        | 26.26% | 53.95% | 55.22% |
 650 John McGregor          | 30.37% | 25.25% | 29.20% |
 466 Bill Phelps            | 31.29% | 31.11% | 26.91% |
 928 Donald Pawlowski       | 36.37% | 38.25% | 38.00% |
   9 Karl Smith             | 38.34% | 49.90% | 47.95% |
 981 Brad Hart              | 40.06% | 48.45% | 45.85% |
 100 Chuck Roncancio        | 46.90% | 76.51% | 67.36% |
 804 Mark Ostroff           | 47.98% | 76.56% | 77.93% |
 398 Paul Vlasveld          | 50.31% | 64.85% | 71.64% |
  20 David Baird            | 52.19% | 41.30% | 42.59% |
 300 Brett Evart            | 53.20% | 83.33% | 88.86% |

Strikers on course Upper:
                                      |    Run 1    |    Run 2    |  Combined   |
                                      | H'cap Strks | H'cap Strks | H'cap Strks |
                                      | ----- ----- | ----- ----- | ----- ----- |
| 683 Nancy Gieske             S03VW  | 28.87%   1  | 21.89%   2  | 25.34%   2  |
| 803 Rick Harrington          S01VM  | 15.47%   1  |  No strike  | 17.92%   1  |

ZPTs resulting from different pacesetter selection algorithms:
(informative only - not used in setting ZPTs)

|                  |           Run 1           |           Run 2           |
|  ZPT Algorithm   |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |
|  -------------   |   ---   |     -------     |   ---   |     -------     |
| Average ZPT      |  48.51  |   10 (24.39%)   |  50.18  |    8 (20.51%)   |
| Tightest cluster |  43.05  |    0 (0%)       |  45.89  |    1 (2.56%)    |
| Fastest cluster  |  43.05  |    0 (0%)       |  45.19  |    1 (2.56%)    |
| Middle cluster   |  47.91  |    6 (14.63%)   |  48.98  |    5 (12.82%)   |
| Slowest cluster  |  54.56  |   25 (60.97%)   |  55.58  |   23 (58.97%)   |
|                  |         | From 41 racers  |         | From 39 racers  |


                       ZPT Calculations for Course Middle

Classes: LGND X05 S04 S05 S06 S07

ZPTs calculated from individual pacesetter handicaps and times
(computed as average of those marked):

|                Run 1                 |                Run 2                 |
|  Bib Pacesetter               ZPT    |  Bib Pacesetter               ZPT    |
|  --- ----------               ---    |  --- ----------               ---    |
|    1 Bob Ellis               29.24   |  803 Rick Harrington         29.51   |
|  803 Rick Harrington         29.79   |    1 Bob Ellis               29.64   |
|  981 Brad Hart               31.09«  |  888 Debi Phelps             30.48«  |
|  928 Donald Pawlowski        31.29«  |  981 Brad Hart               30.96«  |
|  888 Debi Phelps             31.76   |  928 Donald Pawlowski        31.23   |
|  774 Nancy Ellis             32.27   |  774 Nancy Ellis             33.45   |
|                             ======   |                             ======   |
|            Resultant ZPT:    31.19   |            Resultant ZPT:    30.72   |
|                             ======   |                             ======   |
| (selection was by middle cluster)    | (selection was by middle cluster)    |

Final ZPT information for Middle:
|              |       Run 1        |       Run 2        |      Combined      |
|              |       -----        |       -----        |      --------      |
| Final ZPT:   |       31.19        |       30.72        |       61.91        |
| Strikes:     |   2.94% (1 of 34)  |   2.94% (1 of 34)  |   2.94% (1 of 34)  |
| In handicap: |  32.35% (11 of 34) |  29.41% (10 of 34) |  29.41% (10 of 34) |
| In 2 h/caps: |  47.05% (16 of 34) |  50.00% (17 of 34) |  44.11% (15 of 34) |
| Beat cutoff: |  70.58% (24 of 34) |  70.58% (24 of 34) |  61.76% (21 of 34) |

Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPTs:

 Bib Pacesetter             | Rated  | Run 1  | Run 2  |
 --- ----------             | -----  | -----  | -----  |
   1 Bob Ellis              | 16.63% |  9.36% | 12.56% |
 803 Rick Harrington        | 25.02% | 19.42% | 20.11% |
 928 Donald Pawlowski       | 36.37% | 36.83% | 38.63% |
 981 Brad Hart              | 40.06% | 39.62% | 41.17% |
 888 Debi Phelps            | 56.37% | 59.24% | 55.17% |
 774 Nancy Ellis            | 58.47% | 63.96% | 72.59% |

Strikers on course Middle:
                                      |    Run 1    |    Run 2    |  Combined   |
                                      | H'cap Strks | H'cap Strks | H'cap Strks |
                                      | ----- ----- | ----- ----- | ----- ----- |
|  51 Jan O'Flaherty           S06VW  | 46.64%   2  | 51.04%   1  | 48.82%   2  |

ZPTs resulting from different pacesetter selection algorithms:
(informative only - not used in setting ZPTs)

|                  |           Run 1           |           Run 2           |
|  ZPT Algorithm   |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |
|  -------------   |   ---   |     -------     |   ---   |     -------     |
| Average ZPT      |  30.90  |    1 (2.94%)    |  30.87  |    1 (2.94%)    |
| Tightest cluster |  31.19  |    1 (2.94%)    |  29.57  |    1 (2.94%)    |
| Fastest cluster  |  29.51  |    1 (2.94%)    |  29.57  |    1 (2.94%)    |
| Middle cluster   |  31.19  |    1 (2.94%)    |  30.72  |    1 (2.94%)    |
| Slowest cluster  |  32.01  |    3 (8.82%)    |  32.34  |    7 (20.58%)   |
|                  |         | From 34 racers  |         | From 34 racers  |


                       ZPT Calculations for Course Lower

Classes: X08 B00 B05 SB6 B08 SB9 S08 S09 S10

ZPTs calculated from individual pacesetter handicaps and times
(computed as average of those marked):

|                Run 1                 |                Run 2                 |
|  Bib Pacesetter               ZPT    |  Bib Pacesetter               ZPT    |
|  --- ----------               ---    |  --- ----------               ---    |
|  888 Debi Phelps             26.14   |  981 Brad Hart               26.13«  |
|  981 Brad Hart               26.43«  |                                      |
|  928 Donald Pawlowski        26.46   |                                      |
|                             ======   |                             ======   |
|            Resultant ZPT:    26.43   |            Resultant ZPT:    26.13   |
|                             ======   |                             ======   |
| (selection was by middle cluster)    | (selection was by middle cluster)    |

Final ZPT information for Lower:
|              |       Run 1        |       Run 2        |      Combined      |
|              |       -----        |       -----        |      --------      |
| Final ZPT:   |       26.43        |       26.13        |       52.56        |
| Strikes:     |  14.28% (1 of 7)   |      0% (0 of 6)   |  14.28% (1 of 7)   |
| In handicap: |  42.85% (3 of 7)   |  33.33% (2 of 6)   |  57.14% (4 of 7)   |
| In 2 h/caps: |  85.71% (6 of 7)   |  33.33% (2 of 6)   |  85.71% (6 of 7)   |
| Beat cutoff: | 100.00% (7 of 7)   |  50.00% (3 of 6)   | 100.00% (7 of 7)   |

Pacesetters Handicaps based on final ZPTs:

 Bib Pacesetter             | Rated  | Run 1  | Run 2  |
 --- ----------             | -----  | -----  | -----  |
 928 Donald Pawlowski       | 36.37% | 36.54% |   -    |
 981 Brad Hart              | 40.06% | 40.10% | 40.10% |
 888 Debi Phelps            | 56.37% | 54.67% |   -    |

Strikers on course Lower:
                                      |    Run 1    |    Run 2    |  Combined   |
                                      | H'cap Strks | H'cap Strks | H'cap Strks |
                                      | ----- ----- | ----- ----- | ----- ----- |
| 467 Ben Gray                 S09JM  | 83.20%   1  |  No strike  | 83.20%   1  |

ZPTs resulting from different pacesetter selection algorithms:
(informative only - not used in setting ZPTs)

|                  |           Run 1           |           Run 2           |
|  ZPT Algorithm   |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |   ZPT   |     Strikes     |
|  -------------   |   ---   |     -------     |   ---   |     -------     |
| Average ZPT      |  26.34  |    1 (14.28%)   |  26.13  |    0 (0%)       |
| Tightest cluster |  26.34  |    1 (14.28%)   |  26.13  |    0 (0%)       |
| Fastest cluster  |  26.14  |    1 (14.28%)   |  26.13  |    0 (0%)       |
| Middle cluster   |  26.43  |    1 (14.28%)   |  26.13  |    0 (0%)       |
| Slowest cluster  |  26.46  |    1 (14.28%)   |  26.13  |    0 (0%)       |
|                  |         | From 7 racers   |         | From 6 racers   |


               Final Strike Information For All Courses Combined

 803 Rick Harrington        S01VM    17.92%, 1 strike  below  19.00%
 683 Nancy Gieske           S03VW    25.34%, 2 strikes below  33.00%
  51 Jan O'Flaherty         S06VW    48.82%, 2 strikes below  60.00%
 467 Ben Gray               S09JM    83.20%, 1 strike  below  90.00%