Singles League Racing Season Schedule

Please use the online registration to register yourself to race. Guest racers need to register for each race that you intend to participate in.

Early season race times are usually: 10:00 Intermediate, 11:30 Advanced, 1:00 Expert.

Later season race times are usually: 10:00 Expert, 11:30 Advanced, 1:00 Intermediate.

Race times for double-race days with morning and afternoon races will be announced later.

Post-race awards are typically at around 3:45pm on the Saturday (no awards on Sundays).

Everyone gets two runs:
  - For the S0 to S7 classes the two times are added together.
  - For the S8 to S10 classes the best time is taken (2nd run is optional).

Race-day registration is compulsory for all racers and usually opens at 7:30am, closes 8:30am prompt. Note that to be sure to complete registration by 8:30am you should plan to arrive significantly before that.